pkgdb: add dependencies option? (was Re: HEADSUP: X.Org conversion)

From: Conrad J. Sabatier <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2004 19:37:22 -0500 (CDT)
[ Cc: to portupgrade's author ]

On 24-Jul-2004 Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
> On 24-Jul-2004 Eric Anholt wrote:
>> On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 17:07, Conrad J. Sabatier wrote:
>>> Just one question: have the inconsistencies been worked out in
>>> translating XFree86 fonts package dependencies to Xorg fonts
>>> packages? Have all ports that depend on XFree86 fonts packages
>>> been adjusted, and if so, how was this issue resolved?
>> Yes, it was dealt with by making those ports point at the font
>> package that provides truetype fonts.
> OK, but then what about the dependencies on Type1 fonts?  Those have
> all just been dropped?  Might it not be better to ensure that both
> packages are listed now as dependencies?

This just brought to light a potentially useful function that's
currently lacking in pkgdb: the ability to add a new dependency to an
installed package.

Up until now, I've been manually adjusting Xorg font dependencies by
translating XFree86-fontScaleable to xorg-fonts-type1 (although I do
tend to believe that both xorg-fonts-type1 and xorg-fonts-truetype are
needed to fully counterpart the XFree86 package). 

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to tell pkgdb to add
xorg-fonts-truetype as an additional dependency to the installed
packages that need it.

This would be a nice addition to pkgdb's functionality, I believe.

Conrad J. Sabatier <> -- "In Unix veritas"
Received on Fri Jul 23 2004 - 22:37:24 UTC

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