Re: serial ata on freebsd 5.2.1 or current

From: Thierry Herbelot <>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 2004 10:27:52 +0100
Le Sunday 07 March 2004 09:30, vous avez écrit :
> Intresting, I have same motherboard ( ok, +Deluxe )
> and I have tried all the possible settings, with HTT enabled/disabled,
> with apic on/off ..
> any special tricks you did ?
> what bios revision you have ?

I do not remember of any special trick : just the BIOS defaults (with 
compatibility mode or enhanced mode), and I kept IOAPIC and ACPI, in both the 
BIOS and FreeBSD.

I have only disabled SMP on some machines, as the network stack is not yet 
SMP-aware, and there is a *huge* penalty when running network applications (I 
can get up to 75MByts/s FTP transfer rate when SMP is disabled, compared to 
around 6MByte/s with SMP enabled, all with nge-type NICs)


PS : please keep the -current address in the CC, or else I'll have to send you 
a bill for consulting charges ;-))
Received on Sun Mar 07 2004 - 00:28:02 UTC

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