Re: ERROR: Required proxy user is missing, see /usr/src/UPDATING.

From: Kevin Oberman <>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 10:26:26 -0800
> From: (Dag-Erling =?iso-8859-1?q?Sm=F8rgrav?=)
> Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 10:22:53 +0100
> Sender:
> Marcin Dalecki <> writes:
> > Could you exchange the sentence "to create required user accounts" by
> > "to create user accounts requires for proxy operation" or similar please.
> > The error message is totally out of context otherwise.
> Go use Linux or something.

While I get used to des rather acidic messages (and I DO understand how
he feels), they (and others like it from several senior developers on
the project) really can drive people away from FreeBSD for no good

Would it not be better to simply state that CURRENT is CURRENT and that
those who try to run it without reading /usr/src/UPDATING regularly
do so at the risk of things not working and should not assume that the
community will read it for them. The handbook also says that those
running current should read both the current and cvs-src mail lists.

OTOH, I will agree that the note is question could probably be better
worded, but just getting annoyed and stating a shouting match does not
help anyone. (This means both des and Marcin.)

(I will admit that I have missed items in UPDATING and made embarrassing
queries to the list. But I have never suggested that it was other than
my fault that I missed them.)

Followups to advocacy_at_.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail:			Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Received on Mon Mar 15 2004 - 09:26:27 UTC

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