Re: proposed bsdlabel patch

From: Luigi Rizzo <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 04:21:10 -0800
On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 09:38:18PM +1000, Bruce Evans wrote:
> > > you do need some way to disambiguate between the case of a device
> > > ("bsdlabel ad0") and a file in the current directory ("bdslabel
> > > ad0").
> The absolute path hack is a bad way to do this.  It depends on the
> historical brokenness of adding a /dev prefix to the pathname unless
> the pathname begins with a leading slash.

Bruce, i understand that we live in a broken and inconsistent world
with pollution, war, injustice all over the place.  But I am just
trying to add a trivial feature to the version of bsdlabel in
FreeBSD-current in a way that does not upset the vast majority of
its user and does not require fixing the world's brokenness or using
"your version of disklabel".  I understand your point and your
comments in this and other related threads, but other than as a
statement of principles it is difficult to make any practical use
of them, sorry!


> > The file takes precedence, because any filename that does not contain
> > any directory elements is assumed to live in the current directory. The
> So should any pathname that doesn't contain a leading slash (e.g., ./foo,
> or foo/bar).
> > shorthand for device special files is secundairy to that, because it's
> > a convenience only. If the device special file is meant, it has to be
> > specified as /dev/ad0 in the example given.
> Unfortunately, disklabel never worked like that, and bsdlabel inherited
> most of disklabel's bugs and added more.
> %%%
> Script started on Tue Mar 30 21:37:05 2004
> ttyp0:bde_at_besplex:/tmp> touch foo
> ttyp0:bde_at_besplex:/tmp> bsdlabel foo
> bsdlabel: /dev/foo: No such file or directory
> ttyp0:bde_at_besplex:/tmp> bsdlabel ./foo
> bsdlabel: /dev/./foo: No such file or directory
> ttyp0:bde_at_besplex:/tmp> exit
> Script done on Tue Mar 30 21:37:17 2004
> %%%
> Bruce
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Received on Tue Mar 30 2004 - 02:21:12 UTC

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