Re: ad0: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (2 retries left) LBA=207594611

From: Thomas Hurst <>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 18:48:52 +0100
* Kevin Oberman ( wrote:

> If anyone is using ULE and seeing this EXACT problem, please holler?
> adX: TIMEOUT - READ_DMA retrying (2 retries left) LBA= or
> adX: TIMEOUT - WRITE_DMA retrying (2 retries left) LBA=
> It should be differing only in the ad unit number and the specified LBA.

I'm seeing these using ULE and ADAPTIVE_GIANT; last time when I tried
opening a 133M file over Samba.  The system locks completely and doesn't
recover.  They seems to be happening roughly once a week on a largely
idle machine.

  FreeBSD 5.3-BETA3 #1: Wed Sep  8 19:44:05 BST 2004

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst
Received on Fri Sep 17 2004 - 15:48:54 UTC

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