Re:Detaching USB stick crashes BETA4/BETA5

From: Jochen Gensch <>
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 14:14:39 +0200
 > Ian Dowse also is having problems in this area.  He suggested the
 > following patch to me.  I have some concerns about the patch, but they
 > are theoretical (what does it mean when a parent is detached, but all
 > its children are attached?), but given the current state of the newbus
 > code it will fix the problem for you.

Apparently this patch really stops the kernel panic. BUT there seems to 
be a problem with devfs, when reattaching the usb hub / devices. 
Permissions set in /etc/devfs.conf do not take effect any more. Even 
worse, if you do a ls -l /dev, then all devices show permissions like '0'.

My System is a 5.3-BETA6 built yesterday.

So maybe your concern is right in some way... hopefully this is gonna be
fixed in 5.3-RELEASE!?

Received on Sun Sep 26 2004 - 10:14:49 UTC

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