Thus spake Ryan Sommers ( [27/09/04 18:55]: : Could this have to do with the major threading changes? Do you have : anything in /etc/libmap.conf? How recently have you done a portupgrade : -af? I'm doing a portupgrade on one of my systems now; I'll see if I see : similar results when it hits firefox. Major threading change between the BETAs? Huh? Unless there was something that I *seriously* missed in UPDATING or on current_at_, my threading libraries haven't changed in the past few weeks. My applicable libmap.conf entries: Then there's some stuff for the linux-pluginwrapper, but that's not an issue yet -- as I can't even install it without this unkillable hang. (For the record, it's exactly as the install docs tell you to do it.)Received on Mon Sep 27 2004 - 20:57:20 UTC
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