Re: HEADS-UP: Library version number bumps (revised)

From: Scott Long <>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:43:37 -0600
Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 12:29:58PM -0600, Scott Long wrote:
>>> libpcap
>>From the list below, I wonder if all of the yy* symbols are from yacc.
>>Would these actually be considered to be part of the public interface?
>>The only two symbols that aren't in the yy* form look to definitely be
>>for internal use only.  Can we fix __xuname instead?
> Perhaps.  There's also the pcap_lval symbol.  I haven't checked
> whether anything uses it or the yy_*.

pcap_lval is a redefinition of yylval.  It is not present in pcap.h.

>>>==> Comparing symbols in
>>>1) __xuname reference added to new version of common libraries but is 
>>>unresolved within common libraries
>>>2) pcap_lval removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_create_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_delete_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_flush_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_init_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_load_buffer_state removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_scan_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_scan_bytes removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_scan_string removed with no replacement
>>>2) yy_switch_to_buffer removed with no replacement
>>>2) yychar removed with no replacement
>>>2) yycheck removed with no replacement
>>>2) yydebug removed with no replacement
>>>2) yydefred removed with no replacement
>>>2) yydgoto removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyerrflag removed with no replacement
>>>2) yygindex removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyin removed with no replacement
>>>2) yylen removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyleng removed with no replacement
>>>2) yylex removed with no replacement
>>>2) yylhs removed with no replacement
>>>2) yynerrs removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyout removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyparse removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyrestart removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyrindex removed with no replacement
>>>2) yysindex removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyss removed with no replacement
>>>2) yysslim removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyssp removed with no replacement
>>>2) yystacksize removed with no replacement
>>>2) yytable removed with no replacement
>>>2) yytext removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyval removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyvs removed with no replacement
>>>2) yyvsp removed with no replacement
>>>2) yywrap removed with no replacement
>>> libreadline  
>>The readline(3) manpage seems to imply that this library only has one
>>public symbol.  Is this true?
> The issue here is that certain code paths in the 5.x library call
> mbrlen() and mbrtowc() which are not present in 5.x, so the 4.x binary
> will abort if it hits them.

Fair enough.

>>>1) mbrlen reference added to new version of common libraries but is 
>>>unresolved within common libraries
>>>1) mbrtowc reference added to new version of common libraries but is 
>>>unresolved within common libraries
>>>2) _rl_defining_kbd_macro removed with no replacement
>>>2) _rl_executing_macro removed with no replacement
>>>2) get_env_value removed with no replacement
>>>2) get_home_dir removed with no replacement
>>>2) possible_control_prefixes removed with no replacement
>>>2) possible_meta_prefixes removed with no replacement
>>>2) saved_line_for_history removed with no replacement
>>>2) screenchars removed with no replacement
>>>2) screenheight removed with no replacement
>>>2) screenwidth removed with no replacement
>>>2) set_lines_and_columns removed with no replacement
>>>2) single_quote removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_DC removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_IC removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_backspace removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_clreol removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_clrpag removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_cr removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_dc removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_ei removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_goto removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_ic removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_im removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_ip removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_pc removed with no replacement
>>>2) term_up removed with no replacement
>>>2) terminal_can_insert removed with no replacement
>>>2) unset_nodelay_mode removed with no replacement
> Kris
Received on Wed Sep 29 2004 - 16:45:06 UTC

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