Weird display problem in recent current

From: Kevin Oberman <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 14:34:28 -0700
Since I updated my current kernel yesterday, I have been seeing a weird
problem that appears to be in X. I did not have the problem with the
build I did on Friday, Apr. 8.

I run gkrellm, a GTK based system monitor. I also run Gnome 2.10 and All of these ports are up to date. System is a P4M IBM T30.

After my new kernel was installed yesterday, gkrellm would work until
the screen blanks (screensaver set to blank). When the screen is
re-activated, all of the applications refresh except that one. I just
have an empty grey are where gkrellm should be.

top shows that gkrellm is continually in RUN state, although it is using
very little CPU.

The second problem is that Gnome will no longer shut down. (This may be
an artifact of th problems gkrellm is having.) I have to
CTRL-ALT-BS. (Ugh!) 

I'd look at gkrellm except that I only updated the kernel on Monday, not
world, let alone the gkrellm port. I thought some user-land/kernel 
issue may have cropped up, so I just finished rebuilding both the kernel
and world. No change in behavior.

Any ideas what might have changed between Friday morning and today to
cause this? I'm not even sure where to start looking.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
Energy Sciences Network (ESnet)
Ernest O. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab)
E-mail:			Phone: +1 510 486-8634
Received on Tue Apr 12 2005 - 19:34:28 UTC

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