Re: xl(4) & polling

From: Rob <>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2005 20:26:31 -0700 (PDT)
--- Ruslan Ermilov <> wrote:

>> On Sun, Apr 10, 2005 at 09:16:44PM -0700, Rob
>>>> Will it also go into RELENG_5, after the 5.4
>>>> release?
>> Yes, probably.  After I hear more reports of
>> success.
>> The HEAD sources can be used on RELENG_5 to test
>> the functionality.

While you're at it:

Since applying your patch I have been watching
carefully the network traffic over my xl LAN cards.

So far so good; however, I noticed today following
lines in my file:

  xl1: transmission error: 90
  xl1: tx underrun, increasing tx start threshold
       to 120 bytes

These lines are only in that file, nowhere else.
They may also have been generated before I applied
your patch, but then I was not yet monitoring the xl
cards. From googling, I learn that I can safely
ignore these messages.

If you apply the polling changes to xl driver, then
please also add a few lines to the DIAGNOSTICS
section of the xl-manpage to describe above messages.

For example, dc(4) has an entry on the 'TX underrun'
in its DIAGNOSTICS section.


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Received on Wed Apr 13 2005 - 01:26:32 UTC

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