Re: patch: p4tcc and speedstep cpufreq drivers

From: Maxim Sobolev <>
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 11:39:01 +0200
Kevin Oberman wrote:
>>Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 11:25:52 -0800
>>From: Nate Lawson <>
>>Kevin Oberman wrote:
>>>Well, it all seems working, but the performance is not proportional to
>>>the "frequency". I am attaching the results of testing. The fisrt column
>>>is value of freq and the second is the transfer rate from dd to md5.
>>>FWIW, when I did have TCC working I had 31 freq_levels, but if I set the
>>>freq below about 200, my system freezes and requires a hard power
>>>cycle. I am running ULE but no PREEMPTION. The exact point at which it
>>>locks up is not consistent.
>>Please cvsup and test.  I imported a bugfixed version of p4tcc.  I've 
>>run an R32 at 50 Mhz, no problems.
> No joy. I set it to 262 and it was fine. The next step killed the system
> again.
> I'm also concerned that taking TCC out of automatic mode might not be a
> great idea, at least until things like _PSV are supported. When I do a
> buildkernel, buildworld or any big compile job, I need to slow down the
> CPU to keep the CPU form frying. It quickly jumps to 185 F. or higher if
> I don't. If I understand automatic TCC, it should throttle the CPU all
> by itself to prevent this.

Taking TCC out of automatic mode doesn't disable thermal controlling 
circuitry completely, so that if the processor overheats it will shut 
down the machine anyway:

Regardless of enabling of the automatic
or On-Demand modes, in the event of a catastrophic cooling failure, the 
processor will
automatically shut down when the silicon has reached a temperature of 
135 °C. At this point the system bus signal THERMTRIP# will go active 
and stay active
until RESET# has been initiated. THERMTRIP# activation is independent of 
activity and does not generate any bus cycles. If THERMTRIP# is 
asserted, processor
core voltage (Vcc) must be removed within the timeframe defined in Table 16.

> Between throttling and frequency adjustment I can get about 16
> performance levels and I don' see a good reason for another 15. Also,
> the change is frequency is so non-linear that small changes often don't
> make sense. The first three step are fairly straight, but then things
> get bumpy. It looks to me like all frequency settings are not created
> equal. 

I wonder this too. I think in the presence of several independent 
regulators we need some form of calibration to get more or less precise 

BTW, looks like you have forgotten to attach the spreadsheet.


> I should read the code, but what is the presidence between throttling
> the CPU and TCC? The increase in performance when freq is dropped from
> 1378 to 1350, 984 to 900, 703 to 675, 506 to 450, and 337 to 300 is
> clearly not what I would expect.
> I am attaching a spreadsheet (Excel format, but generated by Gnumeric)
> showing 4 runs made in single-user mode. If the graph is not showing
> properly, I can send it in gnumeric format. I will also attach the
> trivial Perl script I run to do generate the raw data.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> $min_speed = 250;
> ($freq) = `sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq_levels`;
> _at_freq = split ' ', $freq;
> _at_freq = grep /\d+\/-?\d+/, _at_freq;
> foreach (_at_freq) {s/^(\d+).+$/$1/;}
> foreach (_at_freq) {
>   if ($_ < $min_speed) {next;}
>   `sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq=$_`;
>   `dd if=/dev/zero bs=1m count=100 2>/tmp/testresult |  md5`;
>   _at_result = `cat /tmp/testresult`;
>   $result = $result[2];
>   $result =~ /secs \((\d+) bytes\/sec/;
>   printf "%4d %s\n", $_, $1;
> }
> # Now do it backwards (speed up)
> for ($i=$#freq; $i>=0; $i--) {
>   if ($freq[$i] < $min_speed) {next;}
>   `sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq=$freq[$i]`;
>   `dd if=/dev/zero bs=1m count=100 2>/tmp/testresult | md5`;
>   _at_result = `cat /tmp/testresult`;
>   $result = $result[2];
>   $result =~ /secs \((\d+) bytes\/sec/;
>   printf "%4d %s\n", $freq[$i], $1;
> }
> `sysctl dev.cpu.0.freq=1800`;
> unlink "/tmp/testresult";
> exit;
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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