Re: dhclient.conf for ath wireless

From: Rob B <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2005 22:45:40 +1000
At 02:49 AM 8/07/2005, Brooks Davis wrote:
> > Have you tried putting the appropriate ifconfig command line into=20
> > /etc/start_if.ath0.  That works for me.
>The correct method is to just add:
>ifconfig_ath0=3D"ssid MYAP mode 11g DHCP"
>to /etc/rc.conf.  With exception of devices that load firmware, you
>probably do not need /etc/start_if.* these days.

I tried that with my wi(4) card and it didn't work.  I needed to make a 
start_if.wi0 file


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Received on Mon Jul 11 2005 - 10:45:53 UTC

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