Re: Disable read/write caching to disk?

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Fri, 27 May 2005 19:25:44 +1000
On Thu, 2005-May-26 22:03:39 -0600, Scott Long wrote:
>A few people have suggested modifying UFS to fill this role.  It probably
>is just as much work as porting GFS, if not more, since UFS/FFS is 
>closely tied to the buffer cache and block layers on BSD, and divorcing
>probably would be quite difficult.

It's probably worth noting that (AFAIK) none of the commercial vendors
have managed to build a multi-master shared UFS filesystem.  This
suggests that the effort is considerable.

Solaris clustering routes all I/O to a shared filesystem to a single
'master' node, which is responsible for all physical I/O to the disk.
This would significantly simplify cache coherency management.

Tru64 clustering only really supports AdvFS.  Limited UFS support was
added in 5.1B - all the cluster members can mount a UFS filesystem but
only one can have a R/W mount and all I/O is routed through a single
"master" node.

Peter Jeremy
Received on Fri May 27 2005 - 07:25:53 UTC

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