Re: CURRENT panics sometimes

From: Bill Paul <>
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 11:58:48 -0800
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, Mark Tinguely had to 
walk into mine and say:

> We are chasing a different panic (kern/88725) where dynamic callout
> are freed but the callout could be still pending. The freed memory
> can be re-allocated, modified and then cause errors when the timer
> wheel is checked.
> After finding this one occurance, I did a complete search of callouts,
> and I see a potential simular error in the ntoskrnl_libfini() routine
> in the file /sys/compat/ndis/subr_ntoskrnl.c and a few other places
> (7 total). I wanted to make verify each of these 7 occurances before
> issuing a patch.
> I suspect a simple test loop could verify that this is a simular error
> as kern/88725.
> --Mark Tinguely

Hm. Unfortunately, the ntoskrnl_libfini() won't be called until the
ndis.ko module is unloaded, and that's not happening here.

That isn't to say that there isn't a callout bug in there somewhere.

Note that Project Evil has its own callwheel because struct callout
doesn't fit inside the Windows struct KTIMER (and in Windows, drivers
allocate KTIMERs themselves from the heap and can free them without
calling any routine to deallocate them first). The assumption is that
by the time MiniportHalt() has completed, the underlying driver has
stopped/cancelled all the timers it started. Originally I used the
timeout()/untimeout() API, but I found that in some cases I would
find myself trying to cancel a timer that had already fired. This problem
doesn't occur with the built-in callwheel that's there now. Also, using
timeout()/untimeout() causes timer callouts to be run with Giant held,
which I didn't want.


-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
        | Wind River Systems
         "Ignorance may be bliss, but delusion is ecstasy!" -Perki
Received on Thu Nov 10 2005 - 18:59:05 UTC

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