Re: problems with NDIS driver and convertion for a Marvel Yukon Gigabit chip

From: Bill Paul <wpaul_at_FreeBSD.ORG>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 05:42:07 +0000 (GMT)
> Ran into a few problems with ndisgen today.
> I have to edit every instance of the following out to get it to
> convert.
> Magic Packet = "Magic Packet"
> Pattern Match = "Pattern Match"
> Mag Pack Patt Match = "Magic Packet & Pattern Match"
> Link Change = "Link Change"
> Upon loading the driver I get...
> no match for ExUnregisterCallback
> no match for ZwPowerInformation
> no match for ExRegisterCallback
> no match for ExCreateCallback
> no match for ZwUnmapViewOfSection
> no match for ZwMapViewOfSection
> no match for ZwOpenSection
> no match for wcslen
> Any chance of getting this working or any suggestions?

Ok, had I read the subject line of your mail fully I'd have known
what driver it was. I'm a dolt and I've clearly had too long of a day.

Here are the problems:

- I don't know exactly what driver image you have. Unless you
  provide the URL for where you got it to put a copy somewhere,
  I can't really analyze it.

- The .inf parser is not perfect. It's actually much stricter
  about syntax than Windows is. Stuff that works ok for Windows
  may be flagged as a syntax error by ndiscvt. If someone wants
  to help fix this, they're welcome to. (No kernel hacking

- I have no earthy idea why Marvell is referencing these functions
  in their driver. They're totally outside the NDIS spec. I'd be
  rather surprised that such a driver was able to get WHQL
  certification. (Assuming it did.)

- This is Marvell. Given the rotten treatment I've had from them
  in the past, I'm not inclined to do them any favors now, so I'm
  not exactly inclined to fix this anytime soon.


-Bill Paul            (510) 749-2329 | Senior Engineer, Master of Unix-Fu
        | Wind River Systems
              <adamw> you're just BEGGING to face the moose
Received on Fri Nov 11 2005 - 04:42:07 UTC

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