Re: A4Tech Wireless mouse wheel not detected

From: Justin R. Smith <>
Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 07:53:21 -0500
Michael Nottebrock wrote:

>You need to run moused with the -z4 argument to activate axis mapping (put 
>moused_flags=-z4 into /etc/rc.conf), but since you already tried in X and 
>said it didn't work ... might be worth a try though, less opportunities for 
>typos with moused compared to xorg.conf
>I myself use an A4 Tech Office 8K wireless mouse with moused, connected to a 
>USB port however, and had to change the default usbd.conf line that runs 
>moused to include the axis mapping switch.
Thank you1 I've tried this and nothing changes. I get the impression 
that the events are not being picked up at the /dev/psm0 level.

After trying this, I changed my xorg.conf file and replaced 
/dev/sysmouse by /dev/psm0 (bypassing moused completely). X worked but 
the wheel didn't.

If I find the time, I'll look at the psm driver myself. It looks as 
though it takes some special actions with A4Tech mice and the solution 
might be to force it to regard them as generic PS/2 mice...
Received on Sat Nov 26 2005 - 12:30:11 UTC

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