Re: away

From: Erich Dollansky <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 23:05:44 +0800
Hi David,

David Xu wrote:
> I will go away today due to some unpleasant person attack to me, in the past,

let me tell you about a conversation I have had recently with a Chinese. 
He wondered how people with a different social background handle things 
like this.

He learned that a situation which makes Chinese mortal enemies for at 
least a year makes people having a beer on the very next day if they 
come from a different background.

He learned this with his own experience.

> because the work load was large, I admit I have made some coding
> mistakes which some people think it is serious while other don't think so,

People who criticize you do no mistakes?

> made to me is very harmful, I feel I can not recover from such disaster, 

What disaster?

Did you do some work for that big software company known for their 
'open' software?

Take a break!

Received on Thu Mar 30 2006 - 13:06:58 UTC

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