Re: [kde-freebsd] koffice build failure

From: Olivier Gautherot <>
Date: Fri, 26 May 2006 22:59:39 +0200
Hi Doug,

> > It's not only QT: the ports system is a bit sensitive and if you recompile
> > a library, you should actually recompile all the apps that depend on it.
> In my experience this is sometimes, but not always necessary. One of the key
> benefits of shared libraries is that you usually don't have to recompile the
> binaries. For example, on my desktop, with 166 ports installed, the only
> library that I need to reinstall its dependencies is gnutls.

I've also done several portupgrade -a that succeded but, several times,
application started breaking (and it is difficult to tell in advance
when this happens). The first times, I reinstalled the complete system
(fairly unhappy about it) but, last time, I went through the exercise
of recompiling all dependencies that were (from a compilation date point
of view, not version) out of date and it worked.

When you have 166 ports installed, it's OK. When you have in the order of
800+, it is more painful...


"If there is no solution, there is no problem"
           Shadok proverb
Olivier Gautherot
Tel: +56 8 730 9361
Received on Fri May 26 2006 - 18:52:32 UTC

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