Re: EHCI problem on -current, and unknown devs

From: Stephane E. Potvin <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 17:39:52 -0500
John Baldwin wrote:
> On Thursday 16 November 2006 03:34, Stephane E. Potvin wrote:
>> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> [ No response from the -usb list, so I'll try here. ]
>>> Howdy,
>>> I have a new Dell Latitude D620, and using recent -current I get this:
>>> ehci0: <Intel 82801GB/R (ICH7) USB 2.0 controller> mem
>>> 0xffa80000-0xffa803ff irq 20 at device 29.7 on pci0
>>> ehci0: Could not map memory
>>> device_attach: ehci0 attach returned 6
>>> FWIW, I also saw a user on the -stable list report this same problem.
>>> I'm assuming this is bad, but what to do about it?
>>> I'm also getting some unknown devices:
>>> uhub4: <vendor 0x413c product 0xa005, class 9/0, rev 2.00/50.18, addr
>>> 2> on uhub0
>>> uhub5: <vendor 0x0b97 product 0x7761, class 9/0, rev 1.10/1.10, addr
>>> 3> on uhub4
>>> ugen2: <vendor 0x413c product 0x8103, class 224/1, rev 2.00/24.22,
>>> addr 6> on uhub4
>>> uhub6: <vendor 0x413c product 0x0058, class 9/0, rev 2.00/0.00, addr
>>> 2> on uhub3
>>> Vendor ID 0x413c is Dell, and is already in the usbdevs file. The
>>> other vendor is O2, and I got their ID for the attached patch from the
>>> list at The 0x0058 device is
>>> already in our usbdevs file, it's the port replicator (docking
>>> station) that the laptop is plugged into currently. I added the 0x8103
>>> device in the attached patch based on an entry in the NetBSD usbdevs
>>> file. (The entry makes sense to me as well, since I have one of those.)
>>> So I have two questions ... for the devices (and vendors) that are
>>> already in my local usbdevs file, why are they still showing up by ID?
>>> And how do I find the device IDs for the two unknown devices? I
>>> imagine that the O2 device is related to my built in smart card
>>> reader, not sure about the other one.
>> Hi Doug,
>> I had the same problem with my Dell Inspiron 9400 and fixed it using the 
>>   following patch:
>> Index: sys/kern/subr_rman.c
>> ===================================================================
>> RCS file: /home/FreeBSD/ncvs/src/sys/kern/subr_rman.c,v
>> retrieving revision 1.53
>> diff -u -r1.53 subr_rman.c
>> --- sys/kern/subr_rman.c        11 Sep 2006 19:31:52 -0000      1.53
>> +++ sys/kern/subr_rman.c        2 Nov 2006 03:05:34 -0000
>> _at__at_ -170,7 +170,7 _at__at_
>>          /* Skip entries before us. */
>>          for (s = TAILQ_FIRST(&rm->rm_list);
>> -            s && s->r_end + 1 < r->r_start;
>> +            s && s->r_end < r->r_start;
>>               s = TAILQ_NEXT(s, r_link))
>>                  ;
>> This code was added in revision 1.53 when support for intelligent 
>> merging was added. When r_end is equal to UINT_MAX, adding one will 
>> cause it to overflow, creating quite a mess in the entries ordering. I'm 
>> not sure the fix I did is completely correct as I didn't had time to 
>> check if the +1 is needed at all in this case. At least it fixed the 
>> problem for me.
> It is needed to avoid overlaps.  Can you show me which rman_manage_region() is 
> breaking?  Rather, enable the DPRINTF() in rman_manage_region() and provide 
> the output?
Here's the output of booting an unmodified kernel with debug.rman_debug=1


Copyright (c) 1992-2006 The FreeBSD Project.
Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
	The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #257: Tue Nov 28 02:59:51 EST 2006
ACPI APIC Table: <DELL   M07    >
Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0
CPU: Genuine Intel(R) CPU           T2500  _at_ 2.00GHz (1995.02-MHz 686-class CPU)
  Origin = "GenuineIntel"  Id = 0x6e8  Stepping = 8
  AMD Features=0x100000<NX>
  Cores per package: 2
real memory  = 1072508928 (1022 MB)
avail memory = 1035108352 (987 MB)
FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 2 CPUs
 cpu0 (BSP): APIC ID:  0
 cpu1 (AP): APIC ID:  1
ioapic0: Changing APIC ID to 2
ioapic0 <Version 2.0> irqs 0-23 on motherboard
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0, end 0
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x1, end 0x1
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x3, end 0x3
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x4, end 0x4
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x5, end 0x5
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x6, end 0x6
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x7, end 0x7
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x8, end 0x8
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x9, end 0x9
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xa, end 0xa
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xb, end 0xb
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xc, end 0xc
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xd, end 0xd
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xe, end 0xe
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0xf, end 0xf
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x10, end 0x10
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x11, end 0x11
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x12, end 0x12
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x13, end 0x13
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x14, end 0x14
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x15, end 0x15
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x16, end 0x16
rman_manage_region: <Interrupt request lines> request: start 0x17, end 0x17
rman_manage_region: <DMA request lines> request: start 0, end 0x7
rman_manage_region: <I/O ports> request: start 0, end 0xffff
rman_manage_region: <I/O memory addresses> request: start 0, end 0xffffffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf7930, 0xf794e], length 0x1f, flags 0, device smbios0
considering [0, 0xffffffff]
truncated region: [0xf7930, 0xf794e]; size 0x1f (requested 0x1f)
candidate region: [0xf7930, 0xf794e], size 0x1f
splitting region in three parts: [0, 0xf792f]; [0xf7930, 0xf794e]; [0xf794f, 0xffffffff]
smbios0: <System Management BIOS> at iomem 0xf7930-0xf794e on motherboard
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf7930, 0xf794e], length 0x1f, flags 0, device smbios0
considering [0, 0xffffffff]
truncated region: [0xf7930, 0xf794e]; size 0x1f (requested 0x1f)
candidate region: [0xf7930, 0xf794e], size 0x1f
splitting region in three parts: [0, 0xf792f]; [0xf7930, 0xf794e]; [0xf794f, 0xffffffff]
smbios0: Version: 2.4, BCD Revision: 2.4
acpi0: <DELL M07    > on motherboard
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x9, 0x9], length 0x1, flags 4, device acpi0
considering [0x3, 0x17]
truncated region: [0x9, 0x9]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x9, 0x9], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x3, 0x8]; [0x9, 0x9]; [0xa, 0x17]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfed00000, 0xfed003ff], length 0x400, flags 0, device acpi_hpet0
considering [0xf794f, 0xffffffff]
truncated region: [0xfed00000, 0xfed003ff]; size 0x400 (requested 0x400)
candidate region: [0xfed00000, 0xfed003ff], size 0x400
splitting region in three parts: [0xf794f, 0xfecfffff]; [0xfed00000, 0xfed003ff]; [0xfed00400, 0xffffffff]
Timecounter "HPET" frequency 14318180 Hz quality 2000
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0, 0x9fbff], length 0x9fc00, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0, 0x9fbff]; size 0x9fc00 (requested 0x9fc00)
candidate region: [0, 0x9fbff], size 0x9fc00
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0, end 0x9fbff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0x9fc00, 0x9ffff], length 0x400, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x9fc00, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0x9fc00, 0x9ffff]; size 0x400 (requested 0x400)
candidate region: [0x9fc00, 0x9ffff], size 0x400
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0x9fc00, end 0x9ffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xc0000, 0xcffff], length 0x10000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xa0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xc0000, 0xcffff]; size 0x10000 (requested 0x10000)
candidate region: [0xc0000, 0xcffff], size 0x10000
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbffff]; [0xc0000, 0xcffff]; [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xc0000, end 0xcffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe0000, 0xfffff], length 0x20000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xe0000, 0xf792f]; size 0x17930 (requested 0x20000)
considering [0xf7930, 0xf794e]
s->r_start (0xf7930) + count - 1> end (0xfffff)
no unshared regions found
acpi0: reservation of e0000, 20000 (3) failed
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0x100000, 0x3fed33ff], length 0x3fdd3400, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xf794f, 0xfecfffff]
truncated region: [0x100000, 0x3fed33ff]; size 0x3fdd3400 (requested 0x3fdd3400)
candidate region: [0x100000, 0x3fed33ff], size 0x3fdd3400
splitting region in three parts: [0xf794f, 0xfffff]; [0x100000, 0x3fed33ff]; [0x3fed3400, 0xfecfffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0x100000, end 0x3fed33ff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0x3fed3400, 0x3fefffff], length 0x2cc00, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x3fed3400, 0xfecfffff]
truncated region: [0x3fed3400, 0x3fefffff]; size 0x2cc00 (requested 0x2cc00)
candidate region: [0x3fed3400, 0x3fefffff], size 0x2cc00
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0x3fed3400, end 0x3fefffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0x3ff00000, 0x3fffffff], length 0x100000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x3ff00000, 0xfecfffff]
truncated region: [0x3ff00000, 0x3fffffff]; size 0x100000 (requested 0x100000)
candidate region: [0x3ff00000, 0x3fffffff], size 0x100000
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0x3ff00000, end 0x3fffffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xffb00000, 0xffffffff], length 0x500000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xfed00400, 0xffffffff]
truncated region: [0xffb00000, 0xffffffff]; size 0x500000 (requested 0x500000)
candidate region: [0xffb00000, 0xffffffff], size 0x500000
allocating at the end
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xffb00000, end 0xffffffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfec00000, 0xfec0ffff], length 0x10000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x40000000, 0xfecfffff]
truncated region: [0xfec00000, 0xfec0ffff]; size 0x10000 (requested 0x10000)
candidate region: [0xfec00000, 0xfec0ffff], size 0x10000
splitting region in three parts: [0x40000000, 0xfebfffff]; [0xfec00000, 0xfec0ffff]; [0xfec10000, 0xfecfffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xfec00000, end 0xfec0ffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfee00000, 0xfee0ffff], length 0x10000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xfed00400, 0xffafffff]
truncated region: [0xfee00000, 0xfee0ffff]; size 0x10000 (requested 0x10000)
candidate region: [0xfee00000, 0xfee0ffff], size 0x10000
splitting region in three parts: [0xfed00400, 0xfedfffff]; [0xfee00000, 0xfee0ffff]; [0xfee10000, 0xffafffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xfee00000, end 0xfee0ffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfed20000, 0xfed9ffff], length 0x80000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xfed00400, 0xfedfffff]
truncated region: [0xfed20000, 0xfed9ffff]; size 0x80000 (requested 0x80000)
candidate region: [0xfed20000, 0xfed9ffff], size 0x80000
splitting region in three parts: [0xfed00400, 0xfed1ffff]; [0xfed20000, 0xfed9ffff]; [0xfeda0000, 0xfedfffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xfed20000, end 0xfed9ffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xffa80000, 0xffa83fff], length 0x4000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xfee10000, 0xffafffff]
truncated region: [0xffa80000, 0xffa83fff]; size 0x4000 (requested 0x4000)
candidate region: [0xffa80000, 0xffa83fff], size 0x4000
splitting region in three parts: [0xfee10000, 0xffa7ffff]; [0xffa80000, 0xffa83fff]; [0xffa84000, 0xffafffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xffa80000, end 0xffa83fff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4000000, 0xf4003fff], length 0x4000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x40000000, 0xfebfffff]
truncated region: [0xf4000000, 0xf4003fff]; size 0x4000 (requested 0x4000)
candidate region: [0xf4000000, 0xf4003fff], size 0x4000
splitting region in three parts: [0x40000000, 0xf3ffffff]; [0xf4000000, 0xf4003fff]; [0xf4004000, 0xfebfffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf4000000, end 0xf4003fff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4004000, 0xf4004fff], length 0x1000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xf4004000, 0xfebfffff]
truncated region: [0xf4004000, 0xf4004fff]; size 0x1000 (requested 0x1000)
candidate region: [0xf4004000, 0xf4004fff], size 0x1000
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf4004000, end 0xf4004fff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4005000, 0xf4005fff], length 0x1000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xf4005000, 0xfebfffff]
truncated region: [0xf4005000, 0xf4005fff]; size 0x1000 (requested 0x1000)
candidate region: [0xf4005000, 0xf4005fff], size 0x1000
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf4005000, end 0xf4005fff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4006000, 0xf4006fff], length 0x1000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xf4006000, 0xfebfffff]
truncated region: [0xf4006000, 0xf4006fff]; size 0x1000 (requested 0x1000)
candidate region: [0xf4006000, 0xf4006fff], size 0x1000
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf4006000, end 0xf4006fff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4008000, 0xf400bfff], length 0x4000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xf4007000, 0xfebfffff]
truncated region: [0xf4008000, 0xf400bfff]; size 0x4000 (requested 0x4000)
candidate region: [0xf4008000, 0xf400bfff], size 0x4000
splitting region in three parts: [0xf4007000, 0xf4007fff]; [0xf4008000, 0xf400bfff]; [0xf400c000, 0xfebfffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf4008000, end 0xf400bfff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf0000000, 0xf3ffffff], length 0x4000000, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x40000000, 0xf3ffffff]
truncated region: [0xf0000000, 0xf3ffffff]; size 0x4000000 (requested 0x4000000)
candidate region: [0xf0000000, 0xf3ffffff], size 0x4000000
allocating at the end
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: start 0xf0000000, end 0xf3ffffff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x92, 0x92], length 0x1, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0x92, 0x92]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x92, 0x92], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0, 0x91]; [0x92, 0x92]; [0x93, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x92, end 0x92
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xb2, 0xb2], length 0x1, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x93, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0xb2, 0xb2]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xb2, 0xb2], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x93, 0xb1]; [0xb2, 0xb2]; [0xb3, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0xb2, end 0xb2
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x20, 0x21], length 0x2, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0, 0x91]
truncated region: [0x20, 0x21]; size 0x2 (requested 0x2)
candidate region: [0x20, 0x21], size 0x2
splitting region in three parts: [0, 0x1f]; [0x20, 0x21]; [0x22, 0x91]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x20, end 0x21
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xa0, 0xa1], length 0x2, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x93, 0xb1]
truncated region: [0xa0, 0xa1]; size 0x2 (requested 0x2)
candidate region: [0xa0, 0xa1], size 0x2
splitting region in three parts: [0x93, 0x9f]; [0xa0, 0xa1]; [0xa2, 0xb1]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0xa0, end 0xa1
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x4d0, 0x4d1], length 0x2, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xb3, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0x4d0, 0x4d1]; size 0x2 (requested 0x2)
candidate region: [0x4d0, 0x4d1], size 0x2
splitting region in three parts: [0xb3, 0x4cf]; [0x4d0, 0x4d1]; [0x4d2, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x4d0, end 0x4d1
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1000, 0x1005], length 0x6, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x4d2, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0x1000, 0x1005]; size 0x6 (requested 0x6)
candidate region: [0x1000, 0x1005], size 0x6
splitting region in three parts: [0x4d2, 0xfff]; [0x1000, 0x1005]; [0x1006, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x1000, end 0x1005
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1008, 0x1059], length 0x52, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x1006, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0x1008, 0x1059]; size 0x52 (requested 0x52)
candidate region: [0x1008, 0x1059], size 0x52
splitting region in three parts: [0x1006, 0x1007]; [0x1008, 0x1059]; [0x105a, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x1008, end 0x1059
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xf400, 0xf4fe], length 0xff, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x105a, 0xffff]
truncated region: [0xf400, 0xf4fe]; size 0xff (requested 0xff)
candidate region: [0xf400, 0xf4fe], size 0xff
splitting region in three parts: [0x105a, 0xf3ff]; [0xf400, 0xf4fe]; [0xf4ff, 0xffff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0xf400, end 0xf4fe
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x86, 0x86], length 0x1, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x22, 0x91]
truncated region: [0x86, 0x86]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x86, 0x86], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x22, 0x85]; [0x86, 0x86]; [0x87, 0x91]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x86, end 0x86
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xb3, 0xb3], length 0x1, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0xb3, 0x4cf]
truncated region: [0xb3, 0xb3]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xb3, 0xb3], size 0x1
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0xb3, end 0xb3
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1006, 0x1007], length 0x2, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x1006, 0x1007]
truncated region: [0x1006, 0x1007]; size 0x2 (requested 0x2)
candidate region: [0x1006, 0x1007], size 0x2
candidate region is entire chunk
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x1006, end 0x1007
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1060, 0x107f], length 0x20, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x105a, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0x1060, 0x107f]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0x1060, 0x107f], size 0x20
splitting region in three parts: [0x105a, 0x105f]; [0x1060, 0x107f]; [0x1080, 0xf3ff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x1060, end 0x107f
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1080, 0x10bf], length 0x40, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x1080, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0x1080, 0x10bf]; size 0x40 (requested 0x40)
candidate region: [0x1080, 0x10bf], size 0x40
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x1080, end 0x10bf
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x10c0, 0x10df], length 0x20, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x10c0, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0x10c0, 0x10df]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0x10c0, 0x10df], size 0x20
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x10c0, end 0x10df
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x809, 0x809], length 0x1, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x4d2, 0xfff]
truncated region: [0x809, 0x809]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x809, 0x809], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x4d2, 0x808]; [0x809, 0x809]; [0x80a, 0xfff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x809, end 0x809
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xc80, 0xcff], length 0x80, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x80a, 0xfff]
truncated region: [0xc80, 0xcff]; size 0x80 (requested 0x80)
candidate region: [0xc80, 0xcff], size 0x80
splitting region in three parts: [0x80a, 0xc7f]; [0xc80, 0xcff]; [0xd00, 0xfff]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0xc80, end 0xcff
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x910, 0x91f], length 0x10, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x80a, 0xc7f]
truncated region: [0x910, 0x91f]; size 0x10 (requested 0x10)
candidate region: [0x910, 0x91f], size 0x10
splitting region in three parts: [0x80a, 0x90f]; [0x910, 0x91f]; [0x920, 0xc7f]
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x910, end 0x91f
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x920, 0x92f], length 0x10, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x920, 0xc7f]
truncated region: [0x920, 0x92f]; size 0x10 (requested 0x10)
candidate region: [0x920, 0x92f], size 0x10
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x920, end 0x92f
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x930, 0x97f], length 0x50, flags 0, device acpi0
considering [0x930, 0xc7f]
truncated region: [0x930, 0x97f]; size 0x50 (requested 0x50)
candidate region: [0x930, 0x97f], size 0x50
allocating from the beginning
rman_manage_region: <ACPI I/O ports> request: start 0x930, end 0x97f
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1008, 0x100b], length 0x4, flags 0, device acpi_timer0
considering [0x1000, 0x1059]
truncated region: [0x1008, 0x100b]; size 0x4 (requested 0x4)
candidate region: [0x1008, 0x100b], size 0x4
splitting region in three parts: [0x1000, 0x1007]; [0x1008, 0x100b]; [0x100c, 0x1059]
Timecounter "ACPI-fast" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 1000
acpi_timer0: <24-bit timer at 3.579545MHz> port 0x1008-0x100b on acpi0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1008, 0x100b], length 0x4, flags 0, device acpi_timer0
considering [0x1000, 0x1059]
truncated region: [0x1008, 0x100b]; size 0x4 (requested 0x4)
candidate region: [0x1008, 0x100b], size 0x4
splitting region in three parts: [0x1000, 0x1007]; [0x1008, 0x100b]; [0x100c, 0x1059]
cpu0: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1014, 0x1014], length 0x1, flags 4, device cpu0
considering [0x100c, 0x1059]
truncated region: [0x1014, 0x1014]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x1014, 0x1014], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x100c, 0x1013]; [0x1014, 0x1014]; [0x1015, 0x1059]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1016, 0x1016], length 0x1, flags 4, device cpu0
considering [0x1015, 0x1059]
truncated region: [0x1016, 0x1016]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x1016, 0x1016], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x1015, 0x1015]; [0x1016, 0x1016]; [0x1017, 0x1059]
acpi_throttle0: <ACPI CPU Throttling> on cpu0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1010, 0x1013], length 0x4, flags 0, device acpi_throttle0
considering [0x100c, 0x1013]
truncated region: [0x1010, 0x1013]; size 0x4 (requested 0x4)
candidate region: [0x1010, 0x1013], size 0x4
allocating at the end
cpu1: <ACPI CPU> on acpi0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1014, 0x1014], length 0x1, flags 4, device cpu1
considering [0x1014, 0x1014]
region is allocated
considering [0x1015, 0x1015]
s->r_start (0x1015) + count - 1> end (0x1014)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1016, 0x1016], length 0x1, flags 4, device cpu1
considering [0x1016, 0x1016]
region is allocated
considering [0x1017, 0x1059]
s->r_start (0x1017) + count - 1> end (0x1016)
no unshared regions found
acpi_throttle1: <ACPI CPU Throttling> on cpu1
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x1010, 0x1013], length 0x4, flags 0, device acpi_throttle1
considering [0x1010, 0x1013]
region is allocated
considering [0x1014, 0x1014]
s->r_start (0x1014) + count - 1> end (0x1013)
no unshared regions found
acpi_throttle1: failed to attach P_CNT
device_attach: acpi_throttle1 attach returned 6
acpi_acad0: <AC Adapter> on acpi0
battery0: <ACPI Control Method Battery> on acpi0
acpi_lid0: <Control Method Lid Switch> on acpi0
acpi_button0: <Power Button> on acpi0
acpi_button1: <Sleep Button> on acpi0
pcib0: <ACPI Host-PCI bridge> port 0xcf8-0xcff on acpi0
pci0: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xefffc000, 0xefffffff], length 0x4000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x40000000, 0xefffffff]
truncated region: [0xefffc000, 0xefffffff]; size 0x4000 (requested 0x4000)
candidate region: [0xefffc000, 0xefffffff], size 0x4000
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xbf80, 0xbf9f], length 0x20, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x10e0, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0xbf80, 0xbf9f]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0xbf80, 0xbf9f], size 0x20
splitting region in three parts: [0x10e0, 0xbf7f]; [0xbf80, 0xbf9f]; [0xbfa0, 0xf3ff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xbf60, 0xbf7f], length 0x20, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x10e0, 0xbf7f]
truncated region: [0xbf60, 0xbf7f]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0xbf60, 0xbf7f], size 0x20
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xbf40, 0xbf5f], length 0x20, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x10e0, 0xbf5f]
truncated region: [0xbf40, 0xbf5f]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0xbf40, 0xbf5f], size 0x20
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xbf20, 0xbf3f], length 0x20, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x10e0, 0xbf3f]
truncated region: [0xbf20, 0xbf3f]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0xbf20, 0xbf3f], size 0x20
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xffa80000, 0xffa803ff], length 0x400, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xffb00000, 0xffffffff]
s->r_start (0xffb00000) + count - 1> end (0xffa803ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x1f0, 0x1f7], length 0x8, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xb4, 0x4cf]
truncated region: [0x1f0, 0x1f7]; size 0x8 (requested 0x8)
candidate region: [0x1f0, 0x1f7], size 0x8
splitting region in three parts: [0xb4, 0x1ef]; [0x1f0, 0x1f7]; [0x1f8, 0x4cf]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x3f6, 0x3f6], length 0x1, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x1f8, 0x4cf]
truncated region: [0x3f6, 0x3f6]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x3f6, 0x3f6], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x1f8, 0x3f5]; [0x3f6, 0x3f6]; [0x3f7, 0x4cf]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x170, 0x177], length 0x8, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xb4, 0x1ef]
truncated region: [0x170, 0x177]; size 0x8 (requested 0x8)
candidate region: [0x170, 0x177], size 0x8
splitting region in three parts: [0xb4, 0x16f]; [0x170, 0x177]; [0x178, 0x1ef]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x376, 0x376], length 0x1, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x1f8, 0x3f5]
truncated region: [0x376, 0x376]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x376, 0x376], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x1f8, 0x375]; [0x376, 0x376]; [0x377, 0x3f5]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xbfa0, 0xbfaf], length 0x10, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xbfa0, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0xbfa0, 0xbfaf]; size 0x10 (requested 0x10)
candidate region: [0xbfa0, 0xbfaf], size 0x10
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O ports> request: [0x10c0, 0x10df], length 0x20, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x1060, 0x10df]
truncated region: [0x10c0, 0x10df]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0x10c0, 0x10df], size 0x20
allocating at the end
pcib1: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 1.0 on pci0
pci1: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib1
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xed000000, 0xedffffff], length 0x1000000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x40000000, 0xefffbfff]
truncated region: [0xed000000, 0xedffffff]; size 0x1000000 (requested 0x1000000)
candidate region: [0xed000000, 0xedffffff], size 0x1000000
splitting region in three parts: [0x40000000, 0xecffffff]; [0xed000000, 0xedffffff]; [0xee000000, 0xefffbfff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd0000000, 0xdfffffff], length 0x10000000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0x40000000, 0xecffffff]
truncated region: [0xd0000000, 0xdfffffff]; size 0x10000000 (requested 0x10000000)
candidate region: [0xd0000000, 0xdfffffff], size 0x10000000
splitting region in three parts: [0x40000000, 0xcfffffff]; [0xd0000000, 0xdfffffff]; [0xe0000000, 0xecffffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xee000000, 0xeeffffff], length 0x1000000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xee000000, 0xefffbfff]
truncated region: [0xee000000, 0xeeffffff]; size 0x1000000 (requested 0x1000000)
candidate region: [0xee000000, 0xeeffffff], size 0x1000000
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0xef00, 0xef7f], length 0x80, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xbfb0, 0xf3ff]
truncated region: [0xef00, 0xef7f]; size 0x80 (requested 0x80)
candidate region: [0xef00, 0xef7f], size 0x80
splitting region in three parts: [0xbfb0, 0xeeff]; [0xef00, 0xef7f]; [0xef80, 0xf3ff]
nvidia0: <GeForce Go 7800> port 0xef00-0xef7f mem 0xed000000-0xedffffff,0xd0000000-0xdfffffff,0xee000000-0xeeffffff irq 16 at device 0.0 on pci1
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x10, 0x10], length 0x1, flags 4, device nvidia0
considering [0xa, 0x17]
truncated region: [0x10, 0x10]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x10, 0x10], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0xa, 0xf]; [0x10, 0x10]; [0x11, 0x17]
nvidia0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
pcm0: <Intel 82801G High Definition Audio Controller> mem 0xefffc000-0xefffffff irq 21 at device 27.0 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x15, 0x15], length 0x1, flags 4, device pcm0
considering [0x11, 0x17]
truncated region: [0x15, 0x15]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x15, 0x15], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x11, 0x14]; [0x15, 0x15]; [0x16, 0x17]
pcib2: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 28.0 on pci0
pci11: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib2
pcib3: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 28.1 on pci0
pci12: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib3
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecfff000, 0xecffffff], length 0x1000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xe0000000, 0xecffffff]
truncated region: [0xecfff000, 0xecffffff]; size 0x1000 (requested 0x1000)
candidate region: [0xecfff000, 0xecffffff], size 0x1000
allocating at the end
pci12: <network> at device 0.0 (no driver attached)
pcib4: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 28.3 on pci0
pci13: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib4
uhci0: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> port 0xbf80-0xbf9f irq 20 at device 29.0 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x14, 0x14], length 0x1, flags 4, device uhci0
considering [0x11, 0x14]
truncated region: [0x14, 0x14]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x14, 0x14], size 0x1
allocating at the end
usb0: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> on uhci0
usb0: USB revision 1.0
uhub0: <Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usb0
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci1: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> port 0xbf60-0xbf7f irq 21 at device 29.1 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x15, 0x15], length 0x1, flags 4, device uhci1
considering [0x15, 0x15]
region is allocated
considering [0x16, 0x17]
s->r_start (0x16) + count - 1> end (0x15)
no unshared regions found
usb1: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> on uhci1
usb1: USB revision 1.0
uhub1: <Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usb1
uhub1: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci2: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> port 0xbf40-0xbf5f irq 22 at device 29.2 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x16, 0x16], length 0x1, flags 4, device uhci2
considering [0x16, 0x17]
truncated region: [0x16, 0x16]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x16, 0x16], size 0x1
allocating from the beginning
usb2: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> on uhci2
usb2: USB revision 1.0
uhub2: <Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usb2
uhub2: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
uhci3: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> port 0xbf20-0xbf3f irq 23 at device 29.3 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x17, 0x17], length 0x1, flags 4, device uhci3
considering [0x17, 0x17]
truncated region: [0x17, 0x17]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x17, 0x17], size 0x1
candidate region is entire chunk
usb3: <UHCI (generic) USB controller> on uhci3
usb3: USB revision 1.0
uhub3: <Intel UHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usb3
uhub3: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
ehci0: <Intel 82801GB/R (ICH7) USB 2.0 controller> mem 0xffa80000-0xffa803ff irq 20 at device 29.7 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xffa80000, 0xffa803ff], length 0x400, flags 0, device ehci0
considering [0xffb00000, 0xffffffff]
s->r_start (0xffb00000) + count - 1> end (0xffa803ff)
no unshared regions found
ehci0: Could not map memory
device_attach: ehci0 attach returned 6
pcib5: <ACPI PCI-PCI bridge> at device 30.0 on pci0
pci3: <ACPI PCI bus> on pcib5
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfe000, 0xecbfffff], length 0x2000, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xe0000000, 0xecffefff]
truncated region: [0xecbfe000, 0xecbfffff]; size 0x2000 (requested 0x2000)
candidate region: [0xecbfe000, 0xecbfffff], size 0x2000
splitting region in three parts: [0xe0000000, 0xecbfdfff]; [0xecbfe000, 0xecbfffff]; [0xecc00000, 0xecffefff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfd800, 0xecbfdfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xe0000000, 0xecbfdfff]
truncated region: [0xecbfd800, 0xecbfdfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xecbfd800, 0xecbfdfff], size 0x800
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfd400, 0xecbfd4ff], length 0x100, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xe0000000, 0xecbfd7ff]
truncated region: [0xecbfd400, 0xecbfd4ff]; size 0x100 (requested 0x100)
candidate region: [0xecbfd400, 0xecbfd4ff], size 0x100
splitting region in three parts: [0xe0000000, 0xecbfd3ff]; [0xecbfd400, 0xecbfd4ff]; [0xecbfd500, 0xecbfd7ff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfd500, 0xecbfd5ff], length 0x100, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xecbfd500, 0xecbfd7ff]
truncated region: [0xecbfd500, 0xecbfd5ff]; size 0x100 (requested 0x100)
candidate region: [0xecbfd500, 0xecbfd5ff], size 0x100
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfd600, 0xecbfd6ff], length 0x100, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xecbfd600, 0xecbfd7ff]
truncated region: [0xecbfd600, 0xecbfd6ff]; size 0x100 (requested 0x100)
candidate region: [0xecbfd600, 0xecbfd6ff], size 0x100
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xecbfd700, 0xecbfd7ff], length 0x100, flags 0, device (null)
considering [0xecbfd700, 0xecbfd7ff]
truncated region: [0xecbfd700, 0xecbfd7ff]; size 0x100 (requested 0x100)
candidate region: [0xecbfd700, 0xecbfd7ff], size 0x100
candidate region is entire chunk
bfe0: <Broadcom BCM4401-B0 Fast Ethernet> mem 0xecbfe000-0xecbfffff irq 17 at device 0.0 on pci3
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x11, 0x11], length 0x1, flags 4, device bfe0
considering [0x11, 0x13]
truncated region: [0x11, 0x11]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x11, 0x11], size 0x1
allocating from the beginning
miibus0: <MII bus> on bfe0
bmtphy0: <BCM4401 10/100baseTX PHY> on miibus0
bmtphy0:  10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
bfe0: Ethernet address: 00:14:22:ee:8b:64
fwohci0: <1394 Open Host Controller Interface> mem 0xecbfd800-0xecbfdfff irq 19 at device 1.0 on pci3
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x13, 0x13], length 0x1, flags 4, device fwohci0
considering [0x12, 0x13]
truncated region: [0x13, 0x13]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x13, 0x13], size 0x1
allocating at the end
fwohci0: OHCI version 1.10 (ROM=0)
fwohci0: No. of Isochronous channels is 4.
fwohci0: EUI64 33:4f:c0:00:06:45:a1:21
fwohci0: Phy 1394a available S400, 1 ports.
fwohci0: Link S400, max_rec 2048 bytes.
firewire0: <IEEE1394(FireWire) bus> on fwohci0
fwohci0: Initiate bus reset
fwohci0: node_id=0xc800ffc0, gen=1, CYCLEMASTER mode
firewire0: 1 nodes, maxhop <= 0, cable IRM = 0 (me)
firewire0: bus manager 0 (me)
pci3: <base peripheral> at device 1.1 (no driver attached)
pci3: <base peripheral> at device 1.2 (no driver attached)
pci3: <base peripheral> at device 1.3 (no driver attached)
pci3: <base peripheral> at device 1.4 (no driver attached)
isab0: <PCI-ISA bridge> at device 31.0 on pci0
isa0: <ISA bus> on isab0
atapci0: <Intel ICH7M SATA300 controller> port 0x1f0-0x1f7,0x3f6,0x170-0x177,0x376,0xbfa0-0xbfaf irq 17 at device 31.2 on pci0
ata0: <ATA channel 0> on atapci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xe, 0xe], length 0x1, flags 4, device ata0
considering [0xa, 0xf]
truncated region: [0xe, 0xe]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xe, 0xe], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0xa, 0xd]; [0xe, 0xe]; [0xf, 0xf]
ata1: <ATA channel 1> on atapci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xf, 0xf], length 0x1, flags 4, device ata1
considering [0xf, 0xf]
truncated region: [0xf, 0xf]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xf, 0xf], size 0x1
candidate region is entire chunk
ichsmb0: <SMBus controller> port 0x10c0-0x10df irq 17 at device 31.3 on pci0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x11, 0x11], length 0x1, flags 4, device ichsmb0
considering [0x11, 0x11]
region is allocated
considering [0x12, 0x12]
s->r_start (0x12) + count - 1> end (0x11)
no unshared regions found
ichsmb0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
smbus0: <System Management Bus> on ichsmb0
smb0: <SMBus generic I/O> on smbus0
acpi_tz0: <Thermal Zone> on acpi0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xc, 0xc], length 0x1, flags 4, device psmcpnp0
considering [0xa, 0xd]
truncated region: [0xc, 0xc]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xc, 0xc], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0xa, 0xb]; [0xc, 0xc]; [0xd, 0xd]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xc, 0xc], length 0x1, flags 4, device psmcpnp0
considering [0xa, 0xd]
truncated region: [0xc, 0xc]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0xc, 0xc], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0xa, 0xb]; [0xc, 0xc]; [0xd, 0xd]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x60, 0x60], length 0x1, flags 0, device atkbdc0
considering [0x22, 0x85]
truncated region: [0x60, 0x60]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x60, 0x60], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x22, 0x5f]; [0x60, 0x60]; [0x61, 0x85]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x64, 0x64], length 0x1, flags 0, device atkbdc0
considering [0x61, 0x85]
truncated region: [0x64, 0x64]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x64, 0x64], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x61, 0x63]; [0x64, 0x64]; [0x65, 0x85]
atkbdc0: <Keyboard controller (i8042)> port 0x60,0x64,0x62,0x66 irq 1 on acpi0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x60, 0x60], length 0x1, flags 0, device atkbdc0
considering [0x22, 0x85]
truncated region: [0x60, 0x60]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x60, 0x60], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x22, 0x5f]; [0x60, 0x60]; [0x61, 0x85]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x64, 0x64], length 0x1, flags 0, device atkbdc0
considering [0x61, 0x85]
truncated region: [0x64, 0x64]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x64, 0x64], size 0x1
splitting region in three parts: [0x61, 0x63]; [0x64, 0x64]; [0x65, 0x85]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x1, 0x1], length 0x1, flags 4, device atkbd0
considering [0, 0x1]
truncated region: [0x1, 0x1]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x1, 0x1], size 0x1
allocating at the end
atkbd0: <AT Keyboard> irq 1 on atkbdc0
kbd0 at atkbd0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0x1, 0x1], length 0x1, flags 4, device atkbd0
considering [0, 0x1]
truncated region: [0x1, 0x1]; size 0x1 (requested 0x1)
candidate region: [0x1, 0x1], size 0x1
allocating at the end
atkbd0: [GIANT-LOCKED]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xc, 0xc], length 0x1, flags 4, device psm0
considering [0xc, 0xc]
region is allocated
considering [0xd, 0xd]
s->r_start (0xd) + count - 1> end (0xc)
no unshared regions found
psm0: <PS/2 Mouse> irq 12 on atkbdc0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <Interrupt request lines> request: [0xc, 0xc], length 0x1, flags 4, device psm0
considering [0xc, 0xc]
region is allocated
considering [0xd, 0xd]
s->r_start (0xd) + count - 1> end (0xc)
no unshared regions found
psm0: model Generic PS/2 mouse, device ID 0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa0000, 0xa07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa0000, 0xa07ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa0000, 0xa07ff], size 0x800
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa0800, 0xa0fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa0800, 0xa0fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa0800, 0xa0fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa07ff]; [0xa0800, 0xa0fff]; [0xa1000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa1000, 0xa17ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa1000, 0xa17ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa1000, 0xa17ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa0fff]; [0xa1000, 0xa17ff]; [0xa1800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa1800, 0xa1fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa1800, 0xa1fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa1800, 0xa1fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa17ff]; [0xa1800, 0xa1fff]; [0xa2000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa2000, 0xa27ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa2000, 0xa27ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa2000, 0xa27ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa1fff]; [0xa2000, 0xa27ff]; [0xa2800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa2800, 0xa2fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa2800, 0xa2fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa2800, 0xa2fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa27ff]; [0xa2800, 0xa2fff]; [0xa3000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa3000, 0xa37ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa3000, 0xa37ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa3000, 0xa37ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa2fff]; [0xa3000, 0xa37ff]; [0xa3800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa3800, 0xa3fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa3800, 0xa3fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa3800, 0xa3fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa37ff]; [0xa3800, 0xa3fff]; [0xa4000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa4000, 0xa47ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa4000, 0xa47ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa4000, 0xa47ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa3fff]; [0xa4000, 0xa47ff]; [0xa4800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa4800, 0xa4fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa4800, 0xa4fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa4800, 0xa4fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa47ff]; [0xa4800, 0xa4fff]; [0xa5000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa5000, 0xa57ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa5000, 0xa57ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa5000, 0xa57ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa4fff]; [0xa5000, 0xa57ff]; [0xa5800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa5800, 0xa5fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa5800, 0xa5fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa5800, 0xa5fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa57ff]; [0xa5800, 0xa5fff]; [0xa6000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa6000, 0xa67ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa6000, 0xa67ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa6000, 0xa67ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa5fff]; [0xa6000, 0xa67ff]; [0xa6800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa6800, 0xa6fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa6800, 0xa6fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa6800, 0xa6fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa67ff]; [0xa6800, 0xa6fff]; [0xa7000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa7000, 0xa77ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa7000, 0xa77ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa7000, 0xa77ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa6fff]; [0xa7000, 0xa77ff]; [0xa7800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa7800, 0xa7fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa7800, 0xa7fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa7800, 0xa7fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa77ff]; [0xa7800, 0xa7fff]; [0xa8000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa8000, 0xa87ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa8000, 0xa87ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa8000, 0xa87ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa7fff]; [0xa8000, 0xa87ff]; [0xa8800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa8800, 0xa8fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa8800, 0xa8fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa8800, 0xa8fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa87ff]; [0xa8800, 0xa8fff]; [0xa9000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa9000, 0xa97ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa9000, 0xa97ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa9000, 0xa97ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa8fff]; [0xa9000, 0xa97ff]; [0xa9800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa9800, 0xa9fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa9800, 0xa9fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xa9800, 0xa9fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa97ff]; [0xa9800, 0xa9fff]; [0xaa000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xaa000, 0xaa7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xaa000, 0xaa7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xaa000, 0xaa7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xa9fff]; [0xaa000, 0xaa7ff]; [0xaa800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xaa800, 0xaafff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xaa800, 0xaafff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xaa800, 0xaafff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xaa7ff]; [0xaa800, 0xaafff]; [0xab000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xab000, 0xab7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xab000, 0xab7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xab000, 0xab7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xaafff]; [0xab000, 0xab7ff]; [0xab800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xab800, 0xabfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xab800, 0xabfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xab800, 0xabfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xab7ff]; [0xab800, 0xabfff]; [0xac000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xac000, 0xac7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xac000, 0xac7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xac000, 0xac7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xabfff]; [0xac000, 0xac7ff]; [0xac800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xac800, 0xacfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xac800, 0xacfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xac800, 0xacfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xac7ff]; [0xac800, 0xacfff]; [0xad000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xad000, 0xad7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xad000, 0xad7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xad000, 0xad7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xacfff]; [0xad000, 0xad7ff]; [0xad800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xad800, 0xadfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xad800, 0xadfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xad800, 0xadfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xad7ff]; [0xad800, 0xadfff]; [0xae000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xae000, 0xae7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xae000, 0xae7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xae000, 0xae7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xadfff]; [0xae000, 0xae7ff]; [0xae800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xae800, 0xaefff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xae800, 0xaefff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xae800, 0xaefff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xae7ff]; [0xae800, 0xaefff]; [0xaf000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xaf000, 0xaf7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xaf000, 0xaf7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xaf000, 0xaf7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xaefff]; [0xaf000, 0xaf7ff]; [0xaf800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xaf800, 0xaffff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xaf800, 0xaffff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xaf800, 0xaffff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xaf7ff]; [0xaf800, 0xaffff]; [0xb0000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb0000, 0xb07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb0000, 0xb07ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb0000, 0xb07ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xaffff]; [0xb0000, 0xb07ff]; [0xb0800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb0800, 0xb0fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb0800, 0xb0fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb0800, 0xb0fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb07ff]; [0xb0800, 0xb0fff]; [0xb1000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb1000, 0xb17ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb1000, 0xb17ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb1000, 0xb17ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb0fff]; [0xb1000, 0xb17ff]; [0xb1800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb1800, 0xb1fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb1800, 0xb1fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb1800, 0xb1fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb17ff]; [0xb1800, 0xb1fff]; [0xb2000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb2000, 0xb27ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb2000, 0xb27ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb2000, 0xb27ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb1fff]; [0xb2000, 0xb27ff]; [0xb2800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb2800, 0xb2fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb2800, 0xb2fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb2800, 0xb2fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb27ff]; [0xb2800, 0xb2fff]; [0xb3000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb3000, 0xb37ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb3000, 0xb37ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb3000, 0xb37ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb2fff]; [0xb3000, 0xb37ff]; [0xb3800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb3800, 0xb3fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb3800, 0xb3fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb3800, 0xb3fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb37ff]; [0xb3800, 0xb3fff]; [0xb4000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb4000, 0xb47ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb4000, 0xb47ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb4000, 0xb47ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb3fff]; [0xb4000, 0xb47ff]; [0xb4800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb4800, 0xb4fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb4800, 0xb4fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb4800, 0xb4fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb47ff]; [0xb4800, 0xb4fff]; [0xb5000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb5000, 0xb57ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb5000, 0xb57ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb5000, 0xb57ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb4fff]; [0xb5000, 0xb57ff]; [0xb5800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb5800, 0xb5fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb5800, 0xb5fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb5800, 0xb5fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb57ff]; [0xb5800, 0xb5fff]; [0xb6000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb6000, 0xb67ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb6000, 0xb67ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb6000, 0xb67ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb5fff]; [0xb6000, 0xb67ff]; [0xb6800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb6800, 0xb6fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb6800, 0xb6fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb6800, 0xb6fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb67ff]; [0xb6800, 0xb6fff]; [0xb7000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb7000, 0xb77ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb7000, 0xb77ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb7000, 0xb77ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb6fff]; [0xb7000, 0xb77ff]; [0xb7800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb7800, 0xb7fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb7800, 0xb7fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb7800, 0xb7fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb77ff]; [0xb7800, 0xb7fff]; [0xb8000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb8000, 0xb87ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb8000, 0xb87ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb8000, 0xb87ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb7fff]; [0xb8000, 0xb87ff]; [0xb8800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb8800, 0xb8fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb8800, 0xb8fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb8800, 0xb8fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb87ff]; [0xb8800, 0xb8fff]; [0xb9000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb9000, 0xb97ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb9000, 0xb97ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb9000, 0xb97ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb8fff]; [0xb9000, 0xb97ff]; [0xb9800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xb9800, 0xb9fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xb9800, 0xb9fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xb9800, 0xb9fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb97ff]; [0xb9800, 0xb9fff]; [0xba000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xba000, 0xba7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xba000, 0xba7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xba000, 0xba7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xb9fff]; [0xba000, 0xba7ff]; [0xba800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xba800, 0xbafff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xba800, 0xbafff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xba800, 0xbafff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xba7ff]; [0xba800, 0xbafff]; [0xbb000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbb000, 0xbb7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbb000, 0xbb7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbb000, 0xbb7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbafff]; [0xbb000, 0xbb7ff]; [0xbb800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbb800, 0xbbfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbb800, 0xbbfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbb800, 0xbbfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbb7ff]; [0xbb800, 0xbbfff]; [0xbc000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbc000, 0xbc7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbc000, 0xbc7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbc000, 0xbc7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbbfff]; [0xbc000, 0xbc7ff]; [0xbc800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbc800, 0xbcfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbc800, 0xbcfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbc800, 0xbcfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbc7ff]; [0xbc800, 0xbcfff]; [0xbd000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbd000, 0xbd7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbd000, 0xbd7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbd000, 0xbd7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbcfff]; [0xbd000, 0xbd7ff]; [0xbd800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbd800, 0xbdfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbd800, 0xbdfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbd800, 0xbdfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbd7ff]; [0xbd800, 0xbdfff]; [0xbe000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbe000, 0xbe7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbe000, 0xbe7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbe000, 0xbe7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbdfff]; [0xbe000, 0xbe7ff]; [0xbe800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbe800, 0xbefff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbe800, 0xbefff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbe800, 0xbefff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbe7ff]; [0xbe800, 0xbefff]; [0xbf000, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbf000, 0xbf7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbf000, 0xbf7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbf000, 0xbf7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xa0000, 0xbefff]; [0xbf000, 0xbf7ff]; [0xbf800, 0xbffff]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xbf800, 0xbffff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xbf800, 0xbffff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xbf800, 0xbffff], size 0x800
allocating at the end
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xc0000, 0xc07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xc0000, 0xcffff]
truncated region: [0xc0000, 0xc07ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xc0000, 0xc07ff], size 0x800
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xc0000, 0xcffff], length 0x10000, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xc0000, 0xcffff]
truncated region: [0xc0000, 0xcffff]; size 0x10000 (requested 0x10000)
candidate region: [0xc0000, 0xcffff], size 0x10000
candidate region is entire chunk
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd0000, 0xd07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd0000, 0xd07ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd0000, 0xd07ff], size 0x800
allocating from the beginning
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd0800, 0xd0fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd0800, 0xd0fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd0800, 0xd0fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd07ff]; [0xd0800, 0xd0fff]; [0xd1000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd1000, 0xd17ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd1000, 0xd17ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd1000, 0xd17ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd0fff]; [0xd1000, 0xd17ff]; [0xd1800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd1800, 0xd1fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd1800, 0xd1fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd1800, 0xd1fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd17ff]; [0xd1800, 0xd1fff]; [0xd2000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd2000, 0xd27ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd2000, 0xd27ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd2000, 0xd27ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd1fff]; [0xd2000, 0xd27ff]; [0xd2800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd2800, 0xd2fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd2800, 0xd2fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd2800, 0xd2fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd27ff]; [0xd2800, 0xd2fff]; [0xd3000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd3000, 0xd37ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd3000, 0xd37ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd3000, 0xd37ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd2fff]; [0xd3000, 0xd37ff]; [0xd3800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd3800, 0xd3fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd3800, 0xd3fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd3800, 0xd3fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd37ff]; [0xd3800, 0xd3fff]; [0xd4000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd4000, 0xd47ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd4000, 0xd47ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd4000, 0xd47ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd3fff]; [0xd4000, 0xd47ff]; [0xd4800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd4800, 0xd4fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd4800, 0xd4fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd4800, 0xd4fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd47ff]; [0xd4800, 0xd4fff]; [0xd5000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd5000, 0xd57ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd5000, 0xd57ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd5000, 0xd57ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd4fff]; [0xd5000, 0xd57ff]; [0xd5800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd5800, 0xd5fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd5800, 0xd5fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd5800, 0xd5fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd57ff]; [0xd5800, 0xd5fff]; [0xd6000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd6000, 0xd67ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd6000, 0xd67ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd6000, 0xd67ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd5fff]; [0xd6000, 0xd67ff]; [0xd6800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd6800, 0xd6fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd6800, 0xd6fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd6800, 0xd6fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd67ff]; [0xd6800, 0xd6fff]; [0xd7000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd7000, 0xd77ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd7000, 0xd77ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd7000, 0xd77ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd6fff]; [0xd7000, 0xd77ff]; [0xd7800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd7800, 0xd7fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd7800, 0xd7fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd7800, 0xd7fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd77ff]; [0xd7800, 0xd7fff]; [0xd8000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd8000, 0xd87ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd8000, 0xd87ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd8000, 0xd87ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd7fff]; [0xd8000, 0xd87ff]; [0xd8800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd8800, 0xd8fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd8800, 0xd8fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd8800, 0xd8fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd87ff]; [0xd8800, 0xd8fff]; [0xd9000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd9000, 0xd97ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd9000, 0xd97ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd9000, 0xd97ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd8fff]; [0xd9000, 0xd97ff]; [0xd9800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xd9800, 0xd9fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xd9800, 0xd9fff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xd9800, 0xd9fff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd97ff]; [0xd9800, 0xd9fff]; [0xda000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xda000, 0xda7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xda000, 0xda7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xda000, 0xda7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xd9fff]; [0xda000, 0xda7ff]; [0xda800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xda800, 0xdafff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xda800, 0xdafff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xda800, 0xdafff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xda7ff]; [0xda800, 0xdafff]; [0xdb000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdb000, 0xdb7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdb000, 0xdb7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdb000, 0xdb7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdafff]; [0xdb000, 0xdb7ff]; [0xdb800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdb800, 0xdbfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdb800, 0xdbfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdb800, 0xdbfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdb7ff]; [0xdb800, 0xdbfff]; [0xdc000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdc000, 0xdc7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdc000, 0xdc7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdc000, 0xdc7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdbfff]; [0xdc000, 0xdc7ff]; [0xdc800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdc800, 0xdcfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdc800, 0xdcfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdc800, 0xdcfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdc7ff]; [0xdc800, 0xdcfff]; [0xdd000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdd000, 0xdd7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdd000, 0xdd7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdd000, 0xdd7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdcfff]; [0xdd000, 0xdd7ff]; [0xdd800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdd800, 0xddfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdd800, 0xddfff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdd800, 0xddfff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdd7ff]; [0xdd800, 0xddfff]; [0xde000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xde000, 0xde7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xde000, 0xde7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xde000, 0xde7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xddfff]; [0xde000, 0xde7ff]; [0xde800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xde800, 0xdefff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xde800, 0xdefff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xde800, 0xdefff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xde7ff]; [0xde800, 0xdefff]; [0xdf000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdf000, 0xdf7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdf000, 0xdf7ff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdf000, 0xdf7ff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdefff]; [0xdf000, 0xdf7ff]; [0xdf800, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xdf800, 0xdffff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0xd0000, 0xf792f]
truncated region: [0xdf800, 0xdffff]; size 0x800 (requested 0x800)
candidate region: [0xdf800, 0xdffff], size 0x800
splitting region in three parts: [0xd0000, 0xdf7ff]; [0xdf800, 0xdffff]; [0xe0000, 0xf792f]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe0000, 0xe07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe07ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe0800, 0xe0fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe0fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe1000, 0xe17ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe17ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe1800, 0xe1fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe1fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe2000, 0xe27ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe27ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe2800, 0xe2fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe2fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe3000, 0xe37ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe37ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe3800, 0xe3fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe3fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe4000, 0xe47ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe47ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe4800, 0xe4fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe4fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe5000, 0xe57ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe57ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe5800, 0xe5fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe5fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe6000, 0xe67ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe67ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe6800, 0xe6fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe6fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe7000, 0xe77ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe77ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe7800, 0xe7fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe7fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe8000, 0xe87ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe87ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe8800, 0xe8fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe8fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe9000, 0xe97ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe97ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xe9800, 0xe9fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xe9fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xea000, 0xea7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xea7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xea800, 0xeafff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xeafff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xeb000, 0xeb7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xeb7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xeb800, 0xebfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xebfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xec000, 0xec7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xec7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xec800, 0xecfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xecfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xed000, 0xed7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xed7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xed800, 0xedfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xedfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xee000, 0xee7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xee7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xee800, 0xeefff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xeefff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xef000, 0xef7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xef7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xef800, 0xeffff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xeffff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf0000, 0xf07ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf07ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf0800, 0xf0fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf0fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf1000, 0xf17ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf17ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf1800, 0xf1fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf1fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf2000, 0xf27ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf27ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf2800, 0xf2fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf2fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf3000, 0xf37ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf37ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf3800, 0xf3fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf3fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4000, 0xf47ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf47ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf4800, 0xf4fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf4fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf5000, 0xf57ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf57ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf5800, 0xf5fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf5fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf6000, 0xf67ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf67ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf6800, 0xf6fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf6fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf7000, 0xf77ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf77ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf7800, 0xf7fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf7fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf8000, 0xf87ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf87ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf8800, 0xf8fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf8fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf9000, 0xf97ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf97ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xf9800, 0xf9fff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xf9fff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfa000, 0xfa7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfa7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfa800, 0xfafff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfafff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfb000, 0xfb7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfb7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfb800, 0xfbfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfbfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfc000, 0xfc7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfc7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfc800, 0xfcfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfcfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfd000, 0xfd7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfd7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfd800, 0xfdfff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfdfff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfe000, 0xfe7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfe7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xfe800, 0xfefff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfefff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xff000, 0xff7ff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xff7ff)
no unshared regions found
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <ACPI I/O memory addresses> request: [0xff800, 0xfffff], length 0x800, flags 0, device orm0
considering [0x100000, 0x3fffffff]
s->r_start (0x100000) + count - 1> end (0xfffff)
no unshared regions found
pmtimer0 on isa0
orm0: <ISA Option ROM> at iomem 0xc0000-0xcffff pnpid ORM0000 on isa0
sc0: <System console> at flags 0x100 on isa0
sc0: VGA <16 virtual consoles, flags=0x300>
vga0: <Generic ISA VGA> at port 0x3c0-0x3df iomem 0xa0000-0xbffff on isa0
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O ports> request: [0x3c0, 0x3df], length 0x20, flags 4, device vga0
considering [0x377, 0x3f5]
truncated region: [0x3c0, 0x3df]; size 0x20 (requested 0x20)
candidate region: [0x3c0, 0x3df], size 0x20
splitting region in three parts: [0x377, 0x3bf]; [0x3c0, 0x3df]; [0x3e0, 0x3f5]
rman_reserve_resource_bound: <I/O memory addresses> request: [0xa0000, 0xbffff], length 0x20000, flags 4, device vga0
considering [0xa0000, 0xbffff]
truncated region: [0xa0000, 0xbffff]; size 0x20000 (requested 0x20000)
candidate region: [0xa0000, 0xbffff], size 0x20000
candidate region is entire chunk
fb0 at vga0
uhub4: <vendor 0x413c product 0xa005, class 9/0, rev 2.00/50.18, addr 2> on uhub0
uhub4: 4 ports with 1 removable, self powered
ugen0: <vendor 0x413c product 0x8103, class 224/1, rev 2.00/16.57, addr 3> on uhub4
ums0: <Microsoft Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM), class 0/0, rev 1.10/3.00, addr 4> on uhub0
ums0: 3 buttons and Z dir.
umass0: <Cypress Semiconductor USB2.0 Storage Device, class 0/0, rev 2.00/0.01, addr 2> on uhub2
Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec
ad0: 95396MB <Hitachi HTS721010G9SA00 MCZOC10H> at ata0-master SATA150
acd0: DVDR <TSSTcorp DVD+/-RW TS-L532B/DE04> at ata1-master UDMA33
pcm0: <HDA Codec: Sigmatel STAC9220>
pcm0: <HDA Driver Revision: 20061111_0034>
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
acd0: FAILURE - READ_BIG ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x64 ascq=0x00 
(probe1:umass-sim0:0:0:0): Uninitialized Transport 5:0?
cd0 at ata1 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
cd0: <TSSTcorp DVD+-RW TS-L532B DE04> Removable CD-ROM SCSI-0 device 
cd0: 33.000MB/s transfers
cd0: cd present [1 x 2048 byte records]
SMP: AP CPU #1 Launched!
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
da0 at umass-sim0 bus 0 target 0 lun 0
da0: <HTE72606 0M9AT00 0000> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-0 device 
da0: 1.000MB/s transfers
da0: 57231MB (117210240 512 byte sectors: 255H 63S/T 7296C)
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
Trying to mount root from ufs:/dev/da0s2a
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): READ(10). CDB: 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): CAM Status: SCSI Status Error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): SCSI Status: Check Condition
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): ILLEGAL REQUEST asc:64,0
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Illegal mode for this track
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): Unretryable error
(cd0:ata1:0:0:0): cddone: got error 0x6 back
Received on Wed Nov 29 2006 - 21:40:03 UTC

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.4.0 : Wed May 19 2021 - 11:39:03 UTC