Re: [HEADS UP]: OpenLDAP+nss_ldap+nss_modules separated patch and more (SoC)

From: Antony Mawer <>
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 15:17:05 +1000
On 1/09/2006 2:54 PM, Doug Barton wrote:
> Dirk Meyer wrote:
>> OpenLDAP is not the only LDAP software,
>> there are much more leighweight implementations around.
> That's a very interesting statement. What would be slightly more useful are
> references to these other implementations, preferably with some insight into
> their licensing terms. I think the consensus is pretty heavily on the side
> of not adding any more new GPL software, for example.

A quick bit of searching brought me to this:

Marc Balmer refers to a stripped-down LDAP library that they appear to 
be intent on using... it may be worth checking with him the status of 
this (given that that post is from 3 months ago)...


by Marc Balmer (IP ( on Thu Jun 1 
01:39:01 2006 (GMT)

 > I wonder if any of the OpenBSD developers is dedicated to a BSD 
licensed LDAP implementation. As any other enterprise OS, I think 
OpenBSD deserves to have a built in external authentication and 
accounting system (read nsswitch/pam/etc). My request is not to adapt 
nss, pam, or any other GPL'd code, but to make similar ones under a more 
wide license (again, BSD).
 > I have lost many opportunities to install OpenBSD because of this 
issue and had to stick with FreeBSD, Linux or even Solaris.

There is actually work going on by me and others in the group. But it's 
a bit early to talk about this (we have a lean BER - and LDAP - 
implementation, it's an existing implementation which I completely 
cleaned up and stripped down to what we really need, but we have to fix 
a "typo" in the original license before we can actually use it... So be 
patient ;)
Received on Fri Sep 01 2006 - 03:19:12 UTC

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