Re: VFS(?) weirdness

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2006 21:32:09 +1000
On Wed, 2006-Sep-20 13:50:12 +0400, Gleb Smirnoff wrote:
>Oops. Well, going up the directory tree, I've found that the '..'
>entry is unaccessible in the /usr and /var directories:
>glebius_at_jujik:/var:|>ls -la
>ls: ..: Permission denied

Cute.  You could try 'ls -ali' as root and verify that the inodes are
linked correctly.  I presume you aren't using MAC or ACLs.  Are /usr
and /var mount points?

Peter Jeremy

Received on Wed Sep 20 2006 - 09:32:13 UTC

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