Re: Encrypted zfs?

From: Gerrit Kühn <>
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 13:18:01 +0200
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 12:48:18 +0000 Christian Walther <>
wrote about Encrypted zfs?:

CW> I'm currently using a zraid consisting of three drives. Lately I
CW> wonder what the best way would be to encrypt it.
CW> I read the chapter dealing with disk encryption in the handbook, and 
CW> decided to use GELI. Is there anyone here on the list who has some 
CW> experiences with ZFS on encrypted GELI devices? Are there some 
CW> performance specs around?

I'm using zraid on geli devices. Can't tell you anything about
performance though, it just works for me. However, I still have problems
getting this setup booted and mounted automatically. OTOH, I havn't looked
into these problems for some weeks now, maybe they're solved meanwhile.

Received on Mon Aug 27 2007 - 10:42:45 UTC

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