gjournal questions

From: Nicolas Blais <nb_root_at_videotron.ca>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2007 13:40:27 -0400

I've been experimenting with gjournal with the hopes of using it in my new 
server (SuperMicro 5015M-NTB) . I have several questions, hopefully someone 
can help me out.

1. I simulated a crash (hard power-off while transfering files). When I 
rebooted, I got the following on my console:

ad0: 78167MB <Maxtor 6Y080L0 YAR41BW0> at ata0-master UDMA133
acd0: DVDR <HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B/A105> at ata1-master UDMA33
ad4: 76319MB <Seagate ST3808110AS 3.AAE> at ata2-master SATA150
ad6: 76319MB <Seagate ST3808110AS 3.AAE> at ata3-master SATA150
ad10: 76319MB <Seagate ST380817AS 3.42> at ata5-master SATA150
GEOM_JOURNAL: Journal 2822006383: ad10s1 contains data.
GEOM_JOURNAL: Journal 2822006383: ad10s1 contains journal.
GEOM_JOURNAL: Journal ad10s1 clean.
acd0: FAILURE - INQUIRY ILLEGAL REQUEST asc=0x24 ascq=0x00 sks=0x40 0x00 0x01
ar0: 76293MB <Promise Fasttrak RAID1> status: READY
ar0: disk0 READY (master) using ad4 at ata2-master
ar0: disk1 READY (mirror) using ad6 at ata3-master
WARNING: /usr was not properly dismounted
WARNING: /var was not properly dismounted
WARNING: R/W mount of /mnt/journaled denied.  Filesystem is not clean - run 

Only /mnt/journaled (ad10s1.journal) is gjournaled. Why doesn't fsck, which is 
running in background mode by now, check my /mnt/journaled and tag it clean? 
I have to manually fsck /dev/ad10s1.journal and manually remount it. This is 
a no-go because I want my system to be able to run without the helps of us, 
bipeds even in the event of a crash :). /usr and /var where fsck'ed in 
background as expected.

Therefore, is it possible to make a crash recovery with gjournal without the 
need of humains? Short story: I'm leaving for Afghanistan in August and that 
specific server will not have anyone doing maintenance other than

2. Since my new server will require a fresh installation, can I set up my 
gjournal slices from within sysinstall by choosing "Custom NewFS" and putting 
the -J option in there? Will that load the gjournal module? What is the 
correct way to implement gjournal from a fresh start?

3. From gjournal(8) man page: "It is not recommended to use gjournal for small 
file systems (e.g.: only few gigabytes big)." How much is a "few"? Is it < 
10gb? <50gb? I intend to use gjournal on /var (10gb), /usr (100gb), /home 
(1tb) and some misc mounts. (~25-100gb).

4. I'm thinking of using gmirror instead of my MB's onboard raid. I found from 
previous posts that I can mount async, disable soft-updates and that for 
simplicity it would be better to mirror the whole drive instead of slices 
(which is what I want to know). Anything else I could use/know about using 
gmirror and gjournal? 

Thank you VERY MUCH for your help.


FreeBSD 7.0-CURRENT #17: Sun Mar 25 10:07:13 EDT 2007     
PGP? : http://plaintext.clkroot.net/security/nb_root.asc

Received on Sun Mar 25 2007 - 16:40:42 UTC

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