Re: SCHED_ULE on desktop system

From: Jeff Roberson <>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 15:59:39 -0700 (PDT)
On Mon, 1 Oct 2007, Marc Fonvieille wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 11:30:16AM -0700, Jeff Roberson wrote:
>>> I have the same problems as Roman: once I compile something, most of X
>>> applications become slow as hell with lagging screen refresh.  That's on
>>> -CURRENT (with all debug, malloc, invariant things disabled) with ULE
>>> and Xorg 4.3 (I'll test with the legacy scheduler as soon as possible).
>>> This behavior does not occur on 6.2 but with Xorg 7.2, so I really suspect
>>> last Xorg release to be guilty.  Jeff you often mentioned tests on your
>>> laptop, could you check what Xorg version your run?
>> xorg-7.2            X.Org complete distribution metaport
>> xorg-server-1.2.0_2,1 X.Org X server and related programs
>> If you're running very recent current you can try renicing X negatively.
>> If you nice -20 and it doesn't improve then it's probably not the cpu
>> scheduler causing the delay.  What display driver are you using?  How much
>> cpu is X using while you're experiencing the lag?
> I tried with _4BSD and it gives the same behavior (I even downgraded
> Xorg to 7.2).  Renicing X does not really help.
> I use nvidia or nv driver (nvidia one is a bit less worse).  The lag can
> even appears with 4% of CPU usage according to top(1).
> Thanks to your remarks and my tests, I'm now sure it's scheduler
> independent.  It seems 7-CURRENT is slower than 6.X regarding I/O :(
> For info the box is a 1.2GHz Athlon with 1GB of RAM and swap is never
> used.

It sounds like you're running into some other resource bottleneck. 
Perhaps disk related?  Can you run iostat while this is happening and 
report how many transactions per second your disk is doing?


> -- 
> Marc
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