Re: FreeBSD's problems as seen by the community

From: Aryeh M. Friedman <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2008 10:04:18 -0500
Hash: SHA1

Harti Brandt wrote:
> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, Timo Schoeler wrote:
> TS>Thus Harti Brandt <> spake on Fri, 11 Jan
> 2008 TS>14:59:26 +0100 (CET): TS> TS>> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, Timo
> Schoeler wrote: TS>> TS>> TS>No, I didn't. I said that the work is
> done ineffectively as he's TS>> TS>doing underprioritized stuff.
> Working on higher prioritized stuff TS>> TS>would be more
> efficient, and would help the project even more. TS>> TS> TS>>
> TS>Given the assumption that the developer is able to do both, the
> TS>> TS>Xmas tree as well as importing ZFS v9 into the tree. TS>>
> TS> TS>> TS>(I don't see the point that when somebody is really
> *capable* of TS>> TS>doing both things, why should (s)he do the
> 'lower priority' thing. TS>> TS>If you are at the olympic stadium
> and you're the best sprinter, TS>> TS>you wouldn't join the
> marathon...!) TS>> TS>> Sorry, this is just crap. I'm a rather bad
> guitar player, at least TS>> much worse than I'm a programmer. Yet
> I enjoy playing Joe Pass at 1/4 TS>> the speed while I could import
> ZFS during that time ... People just TS>> bring to FreeBSD what
> they like to do, not what would be the best for TS>> you or others.
> If you want them to change priorities according to TS>> YOUR needs,
> pay them money. TS>> TS>> harti TS> TS>Harti, you didn't get the
> point. You can also lead you dog into my TS>yard, as long as you
> don't work on FreeBSD noone cares, really. The TS>difference is
> *when* working on FreeBSD *what* do to -- xmas tree or TS>ZFS. TS>
> TS>I thought this argumentation was pretty straightforward, but
> sometimes 2 TS>+2 is really 5...
> I don't see the difference between working on what I like to work
> on in FreeBSD and leading my dog (if I had one). It's just my
> choice because it is my time. If I'd be paid for working on
> FreeBSD, it'd be different. If I find the xmas tree controller more
> interesting than ZFS why should I work on ZFS? You assumption is
> that it matters for you on what I work, but it doesn't matter for
> me, so I could just work on what is good for you.

I suspose suicide is ok or taking drugs is ok on the same arg

- --
Aryeh M. Friedman
FloSoft Systems, Java Developer Tools.
Developer, not business, friendly.

"Free software != Free beer"

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Received on Fri Jan 11 2008 - 14:04:20 UTC

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