Sun Neptune NIU support

From: Peter Jeremy <>
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2008 17:50:31 +1000
I have a Sun X4447A quad GigE card that I would like to use with
FreeBSD.  It is supported by Solaris nxge(7D) and Linux niu.  The
PCIid is 0x108e[Sun] 0xabcd.

Whilst there's a nxge(4) driver in FreeBSD, this appears to be for
a totally different NIC.

Is anyone working on a FreeBSD driver for this card?

(Note that whilst I want to use the card in a PC, I believe the
embedded NIC in the Sun T-2 is the same device).

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

Received on Tue Sep 09 2008 - 05:50:34 UTC

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