Re: puzzling code in pcpu stuff

From: Alban Hertroys <>
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2009 16:34:49 +0200
On 2 Aug 2009, at 12:34, Christoph Mallon wrote:

> Julian Elischer schrieb:
>> I simplified the output of the preprocessor for a PCPU_SET(xx,  
>> newval)
>> (to look at it).
>> I came down to: (after formatting) for i386..
>> {
>>        __typeof(((struct pcpu *)0)->pc_xx) __val;
>>        struct __s
>>        {
>>                u_char __b[(((sizeof(__val)) < (4)) ?
>>                                   (sizeof(__val)) : (4))];
>>        } __s;
>>        __val = (newval); /* aligned */
>>        if (sizeof(__val) == 1
>>        || sizeof(__val) == 2
>>        || sizeof(__val) == 4) {
>>                __s = *(struct __s *)(void *)&__val;
>>                __asm volatile("mov %1,%%fs:%0" : "=m"
>>                  (*(struct __s *)(__builtin_offsetof(
>>                       struct pcpu,  pc_xx))) : "r" (__s));
>>        } else {
>>                *__extension__ (
>>                {
>>                        __typeof(__val) *__p;
>>                        __asm volatile("movl %%fs:%1,%0;
>>                        addl %2,%0" : "=r" (__p) : "m"
>>  (*(struct pcpu *)(__builtin_offsetof(struct pcpu, pc_prvspace))),
>>  "i"
>>  (__builtin_offsetof(struct pcpu, pc_xx)));
>>   __p;
>>                }) = __val;
>>        }
>> }
>> having had my brain explode on this several times,
>> I can't figure out exactly what teh clause after the else is doing.
>> anyone better at reading __asm better than me care to explain it in
>> simple words?
> First, ({}) is a statement expression - a GCC extension (not to be  
> confused with expression statement, which is an expression followed  
> by a semicolon). It wraps a compound statement, i.e. {}, and turns  
> it into an expression. The value of the last statement is the value  
> of the expression. In this case it's __p;.

Speaking as an outsider I'd better be careful with any criticism, but  
the first thing I noticed here was the lack of comments. From Julian's  
question it seems obvious that this function could do with some. I  
wonder what people would make of this in a couple of years when none  
of the (then) active developers has any intimate knowledge of the  
workings of functions like this one?

I got from the posted code sample that __extension__ is probably a no- 
op meant for documentation purposes only. I think it would help to add  
what extension is being used though, maybe as a comment (but what  
would be the use of defining __extension__ then) or as a parameter.  
That's up to you though.

Not being familiar with x86 assembly doesn't help me here of course,  
the last time I touched assembly was on a Z80 a couple of decades  

> Let's have a closer look at the else clause: The asm reads the  
> pointer to per-cpu information into __p and the statement expression  
> returns it. This pointer gets dereferenced (mind the * before  
> __extension__ - __extension__ does nothing, it just marks that the  
> following is a GCC extension) and __val is assigned.

As I read it the value of __val is read into the memory address  
calculated by the expression in the statement expression (__p  
internally), am I right?

Just chiming in with my opinion. I'm sure you'll do fine without it,  
but still.

Alban Hertroys

If you can't see the forest for the trees,
cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.

Received on Sun Aug 02 2009 - 12:50:10 UTC

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