Re: No display after resume in r196086

From: Attilio Rao <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 2009 18:38:48 +0200
2009/8/13 Damian Gerow <>:
> Attilio Rao wrote:
> : why don't you directly try the revision immediately before newbus
> : locking (so immediately prior to r196037) and try to verify it still
> : works.
> Culprit confirmed: I can resume with r196036, but not r196037.
> : I'm aware of at least one possible deadlock source but it should not
> : happen while suspend/resume. However, I'm preparing an errata patch
> : for newbus locking.
> : If you verify newbus locking is the real culprit and that my further
> : patch doesn't fix your problem we can try to hammer it down further.
> Let me know what else you might need.

So, what you can do is to compile a kernel with the following options:

when you get the deadlock, you should break in DDB.
Through a textdump(4) (or serial console or whatever you prefer) you
should get the following informations:
bt, ps, show allpcpu, alltrace, show alllocks

and report here.


Peace can only be achieved by understanding - A. Einstein
Received on Thu Aug 13 2009 - 14:38:50 UTC

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