Re: ppp triggers GPF panic

From: Lawrence Stewart <>
Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:20:35 +0100
Stefan Bethke wrote:
> Am 12.07.2009 um 12:29 schrieb Lawrence Stewart:
>> Kamigishi has suggested to me that the panic isn't occurring (as 
>> much?) with a r195617 world/kernel. Could you perhaps try update to 
>> r195617 and let us know if you continue to observe the panic?
> I get this liat of updated files when I update to r195617:


hmm, there's pretty much zero-chance any of that could fix the current 
hypothesis for the cause of the issue. svn up to r195634, rebuild 
world/kernel completely, get swap on a non-mirror device and let me know 
when you have a crash dump with the new kernel.

Kamigishi, Larry, if possible, could you please jump up to the same 
revision (r195634) when you have a chance and let us know if/when you 
hit the panic again. Please try and get a crash dump if possible. It is 
likely these panics are all the same issue, but there is a possibility 
they're not, and only some crash dump analysis will tell for sure.

In the meantime, I'm going to try figure out how to reproduce this. I'll 
keep everyone notified of any progress.

Received on Sun Jul 12 2009 - 09:21:32 UTC

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