Re: Is there printk() in FreeBSD?

From: Eygene Ryabinkin <>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 15:48:38 +0400
Tue, May 12, 2009 at 06:29:35PM +0800, ???? wrote:

> A simple question: sometimes i need to print out some kernel
> address in FreeBSD kernel. And i know printk() can be used in
> Linux to print the message to dmesg, Is there some similar in
> FreeBSD?
> It seems that printk() cannot work in the FreeBSD kernel.

Use plain printf().

> And where can we find the output? in dmesg or somewhere else?

In the dmesg and in all (syslogged) destinations you had configured.
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 )/' _/     \   `-_,   /            #  while single-stepping the kernel.
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     _.-'_./   {_.'   ; /           #    -- FreeBSD Developers handbook
    {_.-``-'         {_/            #
Received on Tue May 12 2009 - 09:48:43 UTC

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