Re: bsdcpio(1): -L|-R options don't work?

From: Anonymous <>
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2010 11:20:59 +0400
Tim Kientzle <> writes:

> The -L handling here looks correct, though.  Remember
> that -L means "follow symlinks", which means that foo/baz
> should get created in the target as a directory and not as
> a symlink, which is exactly what you've shown.
> If you want blah/foo/baz to be a symlink, you want to omit
> the -L option.

OK, GNU cpio works as you say. I was just confused about

   cd ${FAKEDIR}/${dir} && ${FIND} . | \
           ${CPIO} -pdm -L -R ${LIBOWN}:${LIBGRP} ${PREFIX}/${dir}

that creates empty directories, e.g.


rather than copying contents.
Received on Sun Aug 01 2010 - 05:21:06 UTC

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