RE: HEADS UP: <utmp.h> gone. All welcome <utmpx.h>. - ports/sysutils/screen and ports/sysutils/tmux not showing sessions

From: Vincent Poy <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 16:26:47 -0800
 Greetings everyone:

It appears that after utmpx.h gone into effect, ports/sysutils/screen and
ports/sysutils/tmux are not working correctly after a updated ports tree and
building/installing the ports.  What basically happens is the screen/tmux
sessions which basically use tty's don't show up on the system in w, who,

root_at_bigbang [4:10pm][/usr/src] >> w
 4:10PM  up 4 days,  1:59, 2 users, load averages: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
USER       TTY      FROM                      LOGIN_at_  IDLE WHAT
vince      pts/0       Wed02PM     - tmux: client
root_at_bigbang [4:10pm][/usr/src] >>

>From ps -agx:
 2174   0  Is     0:00.38 -tcsh (tcsh)
43199   0  I+     0:00.00 tmux: client (/usr/tmp/tmux-1000/default) (tmux)
21662   1  Is+    0:00.09 -tcsh (tcsh)
21684   2  Is     0:00.11 -tcsh (tcsh)
47415   2  S+     3:54.23 alpine
21691   3  Is+    0:00.08 -tcsh (tcsh)
21698   4  Is+    0:00.14 -tcsh (tcsh)
21705   5  Is+    0:00.18 -tcsh (tcsh)
21712   6  Is+    0:00.24 -tcsh (tcsh)
21719   7  Is+    0:00.07 -tcsh (tcsh)
21726   8  Is+    0:00.07 -tcsh (tcsh)
21733   9  Is     0:00.07 -tcsh (tcsh)
21899   9  I      0:00.01 su
21900   9  I      0:00.39 _su (tcsh)
43644   9  D      0:01.15 _su (tcsh)
66082   9  R+     0:00.00 ps -agx
66083   9  RV     0:00.00 _su (tcsh)
21740  10  Is     0:00.09 -tcsh (tcsh)
21776  10  I      0:00.01 su
21777  10  I      0:00.11 _su (tcsh)
47747  10  S+     1:34.21 trafshow -R 1

Vincent Poy, Ph.D. - Astrophysics
Received on Sun Feb 07 2010 - 23:26:48 UTC

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