RE: Adding disk firmware programming capability to camcontrol

From: Pegasus Mc Cleaft <>
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 2011 00:37:04 +0100
>> The linux hdparm program is so paranoid about this that you have to use 
>> extra arguments like "--yes-really-destroy-my-disk-drive" to do this.
>I concur. Loudly.  The ability to brick your hardware is just too
>large to not make people go through the "I tell you three times"
>dance.  It's not like people will do this often enough that the
>pain will be fatal.  And if it is, they ought to be bright enough to
>know how to automate the process.

Hi Lyndon and group, 

	I tend to disagree that there should be such argument antics
employed to protect an operation such as this. Being root should be the only
protection needed (of course, that's only my opinion). I don’t want to have
to look up in a man page what magic token I need to add to prove to the
utility that I understand the consequences of what I am about to do. I
personally wouldn't mind a simple "Are you sure?" if the magic token is not
added on the command line, however. 

	To me, the only difference between borking a drive because of bad
firmware and typing "rm -rf *" from root is about £40.  You still lose at
least a day rebuilding/restoring everything.

Received on Fri Oct 28 2011 - 21:37:35 UTC

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