Re: [PATCH] dtrace crashes when trying to trace fbt probes

From: Paul Ambrose <>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 20:37:34 +0800
In 8-stable, WITH_CTF=1 configure item is  enabled in command line, not in
make.conf, so when I build kernel module out of /usr/src source tree, such
as  x11/nvidia-driver, I forgot to use WITH_CTF=1 and nvidia.ko was built
without .SUNW_ctf  section.  However, when  I run:
#dtrace -lv

trigger the NULL pointer dereference at: /usr/src/sys/cddl/dev/fbt/fbt.c

> ..........................................
>     if (*lc.ctfoffp == NULL) {       // page fault here
>         /*
>          * Initialise the CTF object and function symindx to
>          * byte offset array.
>          */
>         if (fbt_ctfoff_init(ctl, &lc) != 0)
>             return;
>         /* Initialise the CTF type to byte offset array. */
>         if (fbt_typoff_init(&lc) != 0)
>             return;
>     }
> ........................................................................

the reason is at /usr/src/sys/kern/kern_ctf.c:


    /* Search for the section containing the CTF data. */
    for (i = 0; i < hdr->e_shnum; i++)
        if (strcmp(".SUNW_ctf", shstrtab + shdr[i].sh_name) == 0)

    /* Check if the CTF section wasn't found. */
    if (i >= hdr->e_shnum)          //here we found no ctf data, but NOT
update the varible "error"
        goto out;                           // see label out

    /* Read the CTF header. */
    if ((error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, nd.ni_vp, ctf_hdr, sizeof(ctf_hdr),
        shdr[i].sh_offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED, td->td_ucred,
        NOCRED, &resid, td)) != 0)
        goto out;

    /* Check the CTF magic number. (XXX check for big endian!) */
    if (ctf_hdr[0] != 0xf1 || ctf_hdr[1] != 0xcf)
        goto out;

    /* Check if version 2. */
    if (ctf_hdr[2] != 2)
        goto out;

    /* Check if the data is compressed. */
    if ((ctf_hdr[3] & 0x1) != 0) {
        uint32_t *u32 = (uint32_t *) ctf_hdr;

         * The last two fields in the CTF header are the offset
         * from the end of the header to the start of the string
         * data and the length of that string data. se this
         * information to determine the decompressed CTF data
         * buffer required.
        sz = u32[CTF_HDR_STRTAB_U32] + u32[CTF_HDR_STRLEN_U32] +

         * Allocate memory for the compressed CTF data, including
         * the header (which isn't compressed).
        if ((raw = malloc(shdr[i].sh_size, M_LINKER, M_WAITOK)) == NULL) {
            error = ENOMEM;
            goto out;
    } else {
         * The CTF data is not compressed, so the ELF section
         * size is the same as the buffer size required.
        sz = shdr[i].sh_size;

     * Allocate memory to buffer the CTF data in it's decompressed
     * form.
    if ((ctftab = malloc(sz, M_LINKER, M_WAITOK)) == NULL) {
        error = ENOMEM;
        goto out;

     * Read the CTF data into the raw buffer if compressed, or
     * directly into the CTF buffer otherwise.
    if ((error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, nd.ni_vp, raw == NULL ? ctftab : raw,
        shdr[i].sh_size, shdr[i].sh_offset, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_NODELOCKED,
        td->td_ucred, NOCRED, &resid, td)) != 0)
        goto out;

    /* Check if decompression is required. */
    if (raw != NULL) {
        z_stream zs;
        int ret;

         * The header isn't compressed, so copy that into the
         * CTF buffer first.
        bcopy(ctf_hdr, ctftab, sizeof(ctf_hdr));

        /* Initialise the zlib structure. */
        bzero(&zs, sizeof(zs));
        zs.zalloc = z_alloc;
        zs.zfree = z_free;

        if (inflateInit(&zs) != Z_OK) {
            error = EIO;
            goto out;

        zs.avail_in = shdr[i].sh_size - sizeof(ctf_hdr);
        zs.next_in = ((uint8_t *) raw) + sizeof(ctf_hdr);
        zs.avail_out = sz - sizeof(ctf_hdr);
        zs.next_out = ((uint8_t *) ctftab) + sizeof(ctf_hdr);
        if ((ret = inflate(&zs, Z_FINISH)) != Z_STREAM_END) {
            printf("%s(%d): zlib inflate returned %d\n", __func__, __LINE__,
            error = EIO;
            goto out;

    /* Got the CTF data! */
    ef->ctftab = ctftab;
    ef->ctfcnt = shdr[i].sh_size;

    /* We'll retain the memory allocated for the CTF data. */
    ctftab = NULL;

    /* Let the caller use the CTF data read. */
    lc->ctftab = ef->ctftab;
    lc->ctfcnt = ef->ctfcnt;
    lc->symtab = ef->ddbsymtab;
    lc->strtab = ef->ddbstrtab;
    lc->strcnt = ef->ddbstrcnt;
    lc->nsym   = ef->ddbsymcnt;
    lc->ctfoffp = (uint32_t **) &ef->ctfoff;
    lc->typoffp = (uint32_t **) &ef->typoff;
    lc->typlenp = &ef->typlen;

out:                                                                     //
here error is 0, but we encounter an ERROR and

// lc->ctfoffp is NULL
    VOP_UNLOCK(nd.ni_vp, 0);
    vn_close(nd.ni_vp, FREAD, td->td_ucred, td);

    if (hdr != NULL)
        free(hdr, M_LINKER);
    if (shdr != NULL)
        free(shdr, M_LINKER);
    if (shstrtab != NULL)
        free(shstrtab, M_LINKER);
    if (ctftab != NULL)
        free(ctftab, M_LINKER);
    if (raw != NULL)
        free(raw, M_LINKER);
    error = EOPNOTSUPP;

    return (error);

Here is patch to fix the missing check
diff --git a/sys/kern/kern_ctf.c b/sys/kern/kern_ctf.c
index 758ad81..b78e474 100644
--- a/sys/kern/kern_ctf.c
+++ b/sys/kern/kern_ctf.c
_at__at_ -164,8 +164,12 _at__at_ link_elf_ctf_get(linker_file_t lf, linker_ctf_t *lc)
      * section names aren't present, then we can't locate the
      * .SUNW_ctf section containing the CTF data.
-    if (hdr->e_shstrndx == 0 || shdr[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_type !=
+    if (hdr->e_shstrndx == 0 || shdr[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_type !=
+        printf("%s(%d):e_shstrndx is %d, sh_type is %d\n", lf->pathname,
+            hdr->e_shstrndx, shdr[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_type);
         goto out;
+    }

     /* Allocate memory to buffer the section header strings. */
     if ((shstrtab = malloc(shdr[hdr->e_shstrndx].sh_size, M_LINKER,
_at__at_ -187,8 +191,12 _at__at_ link_elf_ctf_get(linker_file_t lf, linker_ctf_t *lc)

     /* Check if the CTF section wasn't found. */
-    if (i >= hdr->e_shnum)
+    if (i >= hdr->e_shnum) {
+        error = EFTYPE;
+        printf("%s(%d): module %s has no .SUNW_ctf section\n", __func__,
+                __LINE__, lf->pathname);
         goto out;
+    }

     /* Read the CTF header. */
     if ((error = vn_rdwr(UIO_READ, nd.ni_vp, ctf_hdr, sizeof(ctf_hdr),
_at__at_ -197,12 +205,20 _at__at_ link_elf_ctf_get(linker_file_t lf, linker_ctf_t *lc)
         goto out;

     /* Check the CTF magic number. (XXX check for big endian!) */
-    if (ctf_hdr[0] != 0xf1 || ctf_hdr[1] != 0xcf)
+    if (ctf_hdr[0] != 0xf1 || ctf_hdr[1] != 0xcf) {
+        error = EFTYPE;
+        printf("%s(%d): module %s has wrong format\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+                lf->pathname);
         goto out;
+    }

     /* Check if version 2. */
-    if (ctf_hdr[2] != 2)
+    if (ctf_hdr[2] != 2) {
+        error = EFTYPE;
+        printf("%s(%d): module %s CTF format version is %d\n", __func__,
+                lf->pathname, ctf_hdr[2]);
         goto out;
+    }

     /* Check if the data is compressed. */
     if ((ctf_hdr[3] & 0x1) != 0) {
2011/9/26 Paul Ambrose <>

> Hi, Ryan, I came across the similar problem on 8-stable when I run
> # dtrace -lv
> the panic message says:
> page fault just happened at fbt.c
> ........................................................................
>     if (*lc.ctfoffp == NULL) {       // page fault
>         /*
>          * Initialise the CTF object and function symindx to
>          * byte offset array.
>          */
>         if (fbt_ctfoff_init(ctl, &lc) != 0)
>             return;
>         /* Initialise the CTF type to byte offset array. */
>         if (fbt_typoff_init(&lc) != 0)
>             return;
>     }
> ........................................................................
> And I came across the similar problem on 9-current only once, but when I
> recompile the kernel,
> it does not reproduce. I will try your patch on 8-stable, but could you
> tell me  where did you meet
> the problem, and what is your module without CTF data?
Received on Thu Sep 29 2011 - 10:37:36 UTC

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