Re: Clang/LLVM revision 169451

From: Dimitry Andric <>
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 12:50:45 +0100
On 2012-12-17 09:36, Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
>> No, there is no one-click merge script, it needs humanoid help, I'm
>> afraid. :-)  Is there any reason you cannot just install the port, or
>> if that is too outdated, just checkout from directly and build
>> it?
> is it currently possible to build FreeBSD world, without clang and
> then build clang from ports?

There is no real need, as you can just put /usr/local/bin before
/usr/bin in your PATH, but if you really want to do so, you can put the
following in /etc/src.conf:


 From then on, you build world with gcc, which will also be installed as
/usr/bin/cc again.
Received on Mon Dec 17 2012 - 10:50:54 UTC

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