Re: gptzfsboot problem on HP P410i Smart Array

From: John Baldwin <>
Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2013 13:16:12 -0400
On Thursday, April 04, 2013 12:16:32 pm Andriy Gapon wrote:
> on 19/03/2013 18:20 John Baldwin said the following:
> > Yes, we likely could start using that, we would just need to ensure it has 
> > sort of minimum size.  However, maybe it would always have that minimum 
size as you
> > are only going to have additional ranges if you have more than 4GB of RAM 
> > I think though that there were some odd BIOSes that would place a hole at 
> > and for those the memory region at 1MB is too small.  A minimum size of 
16MB might
> > handle that case correctly while using the first extended region in the 
> > case.
> How about something like this?
> Author: Andriy Gapon <>
> Date:   Wed Apr 3 11:48:34 2013 +0300
>     [test] zfsboot: bios_getmem prefer extmem over another random chunk of 
high memory
>     If the extended memory region is sufficiently large.
> diff --git a/sys/boot/i386/zfsboot/zfsboot.c 
> index 82402b6..12ceeb0 100644
> --- a/sys/boot/i386/zfsboot/zfsboot.c
> +++ b/sys/boot/i386/zfsboot/zfsboot.c
> _at__at_ -374,6 +374,16 _at__at_ bios_getmem(void)
>      }
>      /*
> +     * If extended memory is at least twice as large as the largest
> +     * region of higher memory, then carve the high heap out of
> +     * extended memory.
> +     */
> +    if (bios_extmem > 2 * high_heap_size) {
> +	high_heap_base = 0x100000 + bios_extmem / 2;
> +	high_heap_size = bios_extmem / 2;
> +    }
> +
> +    /*
>       * If we have extended memory and did not find a suitable heap
>       * region in the SMAP, use the last 3MB of 'extended' memory as a
>       * high heap candidate.

We should really use the same algorithm in boot2 and gptboot as well.

I think though that in this case you can just use the last 3MB of heap
rather than half of the extended memory as heap.

John Baldwin
Received on Thu Apr 04 2013 - 15:22:18 UTC

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