Re: zfs zpool import fails 9.2-beta2

From: Steven Hartland <>
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2013 15:41:58 +0100
You instructions appear to be invalid, typos?
1. There is no gpt/zil.nop
2. You create the pool ztemp but export / import zpool

Few other notes:-
1. You only need to create one .nop device
2. You shouldn't need the -d's to import

Removing the log and using the correct export / import
names without -d's here it all works just fine here

Note: Tested here on 9.2-BETA2 as of today.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christopher Harrison" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2013 5:30 AM
Subject: zfs zpool import fails 9.2-beta2

> steps:
> glabel drives
>     glabel label disk00 da0
>     glabel label disk01 da1
>     glabel label disk02 da2
>     glabel label disk03 da3
> gnop create -S 4096  (4k align drives)
>     gnop create -S 4096 /dev/label/disk0[0-3]
> create a new zpool with nop device
>     zpool create ztemp raidz2 label/disk00.nop label/disk01.nop 
> label/disk02.nop label/disk03.nop log gpt/zil.nop
> export newly created zpool
>     zpool export zpool
> destroy the 4k nop devices
>     gnop destroy /dev/label/disk0[0-3].nop
> try to import the zpool
>     zpool import -d /dev/label -d /dev/gpt ztemp
> cannot import 'ztemp': pool is formatted using a newer ZFS version


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