quick hack to support "option VIMAGE" on USB Ethernet

From: YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru_at_iij.ad.jp>
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 12:48:34 +0900 (JST)
Hi all,

I hope to use "option VIMAGE" on RaspberryPi.

So, I try to make a patch.
#There is a SD image for RaspberryPi at same place.

But, I only test it for if_smsc driver on RaspberryPi.
I don't test other architectures/devices.

Please test my patch and suggest the way to support "option VIMAGE" on USB
devices, if you are interested in.

YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru_at_iij.ad.jp>
Received on Mon Aug 12 2013 - 01:52:43 UTC

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