Re: [CURRENT] unbound: zonefiles?

From: Alastair Hogge <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 19:06:47 +0800
On 2013-09-26 Thu 11:26:48 +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:


> I try my first steps with "unbound" on most recent current and snealing
> through the web I find interesting things and howto's. But I realise if
> I'd like to replace my office's DNS server (based on BIND as it was
> part of the FreeBSD world) I run into a serious problem regarding the
> zone- and authorative files keeping all the PTR and A records. As I can
> see in the unbound.conf, the statements of those files (address to name
> resolution, name to address resolution) is now somehow hard coded into
> unbound.conf via those appropriate config tags like local-zone and
> local-data. Since I have some larger files defining a local domain,
> I'd expect having a data file to be loaded.

Are you after include?

$ man unbound.conf

#  Files  can be included using the include: directive. It can appear any‐
#  where, it accepts a single file name as argument.  Processing continues
#  as  if  the text from the included file was copied into the config file
#  at that point.  If also using chroot, using full  path  names  for  the
#  included files works, relative pathnames for the included names work if
#  the directory where the daemon is  started  equals  its  chroot/working
#  directory.   Wildcards  can  be  used  to  include  multiple files, see
#  glob(7).

I use include to configure my network at home:

$ cat /usr/local/etc/unbound/local.hosts
local-data: " IN A
local-data-ptr: "

local-data: " IN A"
local-data-ptr: ""

local-data: " IN A"
local-data-ptr: ""

Drug, n.:
	A substance that, when injected into a rat, produces a scientific
Received on Thu Sep 26 2013 - 09:06:56 UTC

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