RE: Call for testers: SNMPv3 support for bsnmpd(1)

From: Hartmut Brandt <>
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 08:06:09 +0200
On Mon, 31 Mar 2014, Marciano, Anthony wrote:

MA>Currently, we are just looking to monitor standard objects such as 
MA>interfaces and send traps accordingly. Would it be possible to provide 
MA>a trap example of what needs to be added to the snmpd.config file to 
MA>monitor an object and have it sent via V3?
MA>I've searched for this information and read through various RFCs but 
MA>have not discovered any bsnmpd specific trap syntax and/or examples.

Well, bsnmp can send only the standard traps currently. This is configured 
via the begemotTrapSinkTable (/usr/share/snmp/mibs/BEGEMOT-SNMPD.txt). 
Each row in the table is a trap target and all traps are sent to all 
targets in the table. I don't know, how this interacts with v3, though.

Received on Tue Apr 01 2014 - 04:06:18 UTC

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