Battery life with the latest drm

From: Lars Engels <>
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 21:27:33 +0100
Just a quick report that from my completely unscientific observations it
seems that battery life is extended with the latest drm import on my
Thinkpad X230. I should probably get some numbers first, but my gut
feeling is that it is better.

By the way on the X230 (IvyBridge i7) the loader.conf setting
"drm.i915.enable_rc6=7" makes a huge difference.
For some other reason I removed it from loader.conf and
hw.acpi.battery.time showed 160 minutes. After re-adding it battery time
went up to 230 minutes. 


Received on Wed Feb 04 2015 - 19:27:37 UTC

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