Re: WIFI urtwn possibly broken on 297561

From: Otacílio <>
Date: Fri, 8 Apr 2016 17:51:35 -0300
Em 08/04/2016 17:34, Adrian Chadd escreveu:
> Hi,
> Not '--ff', just '-ff' and '-amsdu'
> It's possible that one or the other of those options are a problem. I
> added those features recently to urtwn.
> Can you please do 'ifconfig -v wlan0 list sta' and 'ifconfig -v wlan0' ?
> Thanks,
> -adrian

Sorry, I type wrong but use the commands correctly :-)

Its my rc.conf


# Nice if you have a network, else annoying.

# Uncomment to disable common services (more memory)

# On first boot, enlarge the root filesystem to fill the SD card

ifconfig_wlan0="WPA SYNCDHCP -amsdu"


And the commands that you request:


root_at_beaglebone:/usr/home/ota # ifconfig -v wlan0 list sta
58:23:8c:c6:e1:aa    5   11 144M 14.5    0      5  19408 EP AQEHTR  
SSID<Diana> RATES<B2,B4,B11,B22,36,48,72,108> DSPARMS<11> 
TIM<050400010000> ERP<0x4> ???<2f0104> RSN<v1 mc:TKIP uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP 
km:8021X-PSK> XRATES<12,18,24,96> HTCAP<cap 0x18bc param 0x1b 
mcsset[0-15] extcap 0x0 txbf 0x0 antenna 0x0> HTINFO<ctl 11, 8,15,0,0 
basicmcs[]> WPS<v:1.0 st:C> VEN<dd090010180204000c0000> WPA<v1 mc:TKIP 
uc:AES-CCMP+TKIP km:8021X-PSK> WME<qosinfo 0x88 BE[aifsn 3 cwmin 4 cwmax 
10 txop 0] BK[aifsn 7 cwmin 4 cwmax 10 txop 0] VO[aifsn 2 cwmin 3 cwmax 
4 txop 94] VI[aifsn 2 cwmin 2 cwmax 3 txop 47]>
root_at_beaglebone:/usr/home/ota # ifconfig -v wlan0
wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
         ether 14:cc:20:12:ee:55
         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
         groups: wlan
         ssid Diana channel 11 (2462 MHz 11g ht/20) bssid 58:23:8c:c6:e1:aa
         regdomain 0 country US anywhere -ecm authmode WPA2/802.11i -wps 
         privacy ON deftxkey UNDEF
         TKIP 2:128-bit powersavemode OFF powersavesleep 100 txpower 0
         txpowmax 50.0 -dotd rtsthreshold 2346 fragthreshold 2346 bmiss 7
         11a     ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
         11b     ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
         11g     ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
         turboA  ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
         turboG  ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
         sturbo  ucast NONE    mgmt  6 Mb/s mcast  6 Mb/s maxretry 6
         11na    ucast NONE    mgmt 12 MCS  mcast 12 MCS  maxretry 6
         11ng    ucast NONE    mgmt  2 MCS  mcast  2 MCS  maxretry 6
         half    ucast NONE    mgmt  3 Mb/s mcast  3 Mb/s maxretry 6
         quarter ucast NONE    mgmt  1 Mb/s mcast  1 Mb/s maxretry 6
         scanvalid 60 -bgscan bgscanintvl 300 bgscanidle 250
         roam:11a     rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
         roam:11b     rssi    7dBm rate  1 Mb/s
         roam:11g     rssi    7dBm rate  5 Mb/s
         roam:turboA  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
         roam:turboG  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
         roam:sturbo  rssi    7dBm rate 12 Mb/s
         roam:11na    rssi    7dBm  MCS  1
         roam:11ng    rssi    7dBm  MCS  1
         roam:half    rssi    7dBm rate  6 Mb/s
         roam:quarter rssi    7dBm rate  3 Mb/s
         -pureg protmode CTS ht20 htcompat ampdu ampdulimit 64k 
ampdudensity 8
         -amsdu -shortgi htprotmode RTSCTS -puren -smps -rifs wme -burst 
         roaming MANUAL bintval 100
         AC_BE cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
               cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  3 txopLimit   0 -acm
         AC_BK cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm ack
               cwmin  4 cwmax 10 aifs  7 txopLimit   0 -acm
         AC_VI cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm ack
               cwmin  3 cwmax  4 aifs  2 txopLimit  94 -acm
         AC_VO cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm ack
               cwmin  2 cwmax  3 aifs  2 txopLimit  47 -acm
         media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet MCS mode 11ng
         status: associated

If you need more test I can do. Send me the requests and I will response 

Thanks a lot!

Received on Fri Apr 08 2016 - 18:51:54 UTC

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