I have located the bug in /usr/src/contrib/smbfs/lib/smb/subr.c The printf(3C) calls have been added for debugging; the bug is the addition of 13 after crypting every char which let the mask used in ^ operation exceeding 256, i.e. more than one byte, if the string to be crypted is long enough. The two lines added: if (pos > 256) pos = pos-256; fixes this issue and the crypting/decypting works fine; see below; I'll later file a PR and propose the patch; matthias char * smb_simplecrypt(char *dst, const char *src) { int ch, pos; char *dp; printf("smb_simplecrypt(): pw: [%s]\n", src); if (dst == NULL) { dst = malloc(4 + 2 * strlen(src)); if (dst == NULL) return NULL; } dp = dst; *dst++ = '$'; *dst++ = '$'; *dst++ = '1'; pos = 27; while (*src) { ch = *src++; printf("ch [%c] --> ", ch); if (isascii(ch)) ch = (isupper(ch) ? ('A' + (ch - 'A' + 13) % 26) : islower(ch) ? ('a' + (ch - 'a' + 13) % 26) : ch); ch ^= pos; pos += 13; if (pos > 256) pos = pos-256; sprintf(dst, "%02x", ch); printf("0x%02x next ^mask (pos): 0x%02x\n", ch, pos); dst += 2; } *dst = 0; return dp; } $ ./smbpw smb_simplecrypt(): pw: [1234567890-1-1234567] ch [1] --> 0x2a next ^mask (pos): 0x28 ch [2] --> 0x1a next ^mask (pos): 0x35 ch [3] --> 0x06 next ^mask (pos): 0x42 ch [4] --> 0x76 next ^mask (pos): 0x4f ch [5] --> 0x7a next ^mask (pos): 0x5c ch [6] --> 0x6a next ^mask (pos): 0x69 ch [7] --> 0x5e next ^mask (pos): 0x76 ch [8] --> 0x4e next ^mask (pos): 0x83 ch [9] --> 0xba next ^mask (pos): 0x90 ch [0] --> 0xa0 next ^mask (pos): 0x9d ch [-] --> 0xb0 next ^mask (pos): 0xaa ch [1] --> 0x9b next ^mask (pos): 0xb7 ch [-] --> 0x9a next ^mask (pos): 0xc4 ch [1] --> 0xf5 next ^mask (pos): 0xd1 ch [2] --> 0xe3 next ^mask (pos): 0xde ch [3] --> 0xed next ^mask (pos): 0xeb ch [4] --> 0xdf next ^mask (pos): 0xf8 ch [5] --> 0xcd next ^mask (pos): 0x05 ch [6] --> 0x33 next ^mask (pos): 0x12 ch [7] --> 0x25 next ^mask (pos): 0x1f cp: [$$12a1a06767a6a5e4ebaa0b09b9af5e3eddfcd3325] smb_simpledecrypt(): hash: [$$12a1a06767a6a5e4ebaa0b09b9af5e3eddfcd3325] gives clear [1234567890-1-1234567] -- Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru_at_unixarea.de, ⌂ http://www.unixarea.de/ ☎ +49-176-38902045 Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub 8. Mai 1945: Wer nicht feiert hat den Krieg verloren. 8 de mayo de 1945: Quien no festeja perdió la Guerra. May 8, 1945: Who does not celebrate lost the War.
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