Re: pcsc-lite hangs up after unplugging an USB card reader

From: Jairo Montes González <>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2017 12:05:14 +0100
Jairo Montes schrieb am 01.11.2017 11:04

The output from "procstat -ak" is attached to this email.

As you might see, I'm trying to debug it, but this is my first time using

the GDB debugger, so I'm a bit lost with it's usage and I believe I'm not

doing a good job with it. All I've found so far is that it keeps looping

in somewhere and does not return correctly.

I forgot to mention in my first email that I added the lines to

/etc/devd.conf that the pcsc-lite installation tells you to add for USB

cardreaders. I also added /usr/local/etc/devd/pcscd.conf, attached here

too, just in case it produces any kind of conflict.

On 10/30/2017 18:12, Hans Petter Selasky wrote:
> On 10/30/17 18:10, Jairo Montes González wrote:
>> Jairo Montes schrieb am 30.10.2017 17:09
>> _____________________________________________________________________
>> Hi people!
>> My problem appears only when unplugging one device. I can have more than
>> one connected, but when I disconnect one, an error occurs, and if I 
>> plug in
>> a device, even the same I just unplugged, it won't be loaded. I don't 
>> know
>> if the problem comes from pcsc-lite or FreeBSD (libusb).
>> Information requested for support at:
>> Versions:
>> - ccid-1.4.27
>> - pcsc-lite-1.8.22,2
>> - Inside Secure AT90SCR200
>> - Enabled features: FreeBSD amd64-portbld-freebsd12.0 serial usb libusb
>>      usbdropdir=/usr/local/lib/pcsc/drivers/ ipcdir=/var/run/pcscd
>>      configdir=/usr/local/etc/reader.conf.d
>> Platform:
>> - FreeBSD 10.4-STABLE and 12.0-CURRENT r323761 amd64
>> - Standard compatible PC (Intel i5-6500)
>> - No card involved. It does the same with or without a card.
>> - SCM Microsystems Inc. SCR 335,  Inside Secure AT90SCR200.
>> The output of pcscd is attached to this email.
>> Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance people.
> Check the output from "procstat -ak".
> --HPS

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Versand am 01.11.2017 11:04 von Montes Jairo

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