Re: Newly upgraded -CURRENT box does not boot

From: Warner Losh <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 17:33:48 -0600
On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 5:24 PM, Brett <>

> On 8/20/2018 7:09 PM, Warner Losh wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 4:50 PM, Brett <>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin,
>>> Thanks for your help.
>>> Should I be doing "make LOADER_DEFAULT_INTERP=4th buildkernel && make
>>> LOADER_DEFAULT_INTERP=4th installkernel"?
>>> Nope. Kernel has nothing to do with it. That won't work.
>> I had also previously tried " make clean all install
>>> WITHOUT_LUA_LOADER=yes" in /usr/src/stand which did not help.
>>> You could just do "ln -sf /boot/loader_4th /boot/loader" and reboot if
>> that's the issue. Or at the boot2 prompt, you could type in
>> /boot/loader_4th if you haven't booted yet.
>> You could also do a simple 'make install LOADER_DEFAULT_INTERP=4th" which
>> does approximately the same thing.
>> Though why you'd get loader.lua not found is kinda crazy
>> Warner
> Hi Warner,
> I've tried those things, unfortunately none of them worked. With forth,
> things are slightly different (no more lua error), but ultimately the same
> result: - the kernel doesn't load ("can't load 'kernel'").
> I lastly tried "ln -sf /boot/loader_4th /boot/loader", now I get "No
> /boot/loader" and a boot: prompt. I can do "boot/loader_4th" which will use
> the forth loader with the results the same as the above.
> Any help is appreciated - this is a very important box unfortunately. :(

If both /boot/loader_lua and /boot/loader_4th fail in the same way, you may
be in trouble. There's a sliver of a chance that /boot/loader_simp might
work, but if the other two both fail, it's something common between them
that's likely shared by /boot/loader_simp.

I'd install old /boot/loader and then try to bisect where things went wrong
from your last update. Thankfully, it looks like the last known good one
for you was in March, and all versions since then you can rebuild just
src/stand w/o doing a full world so it should be quick to trace down. There
are maybe 20,000 svn changes or so, which should zero in on the right one
in about 17 tries... It takes me about a minute to build, so with luck
you'll know in about an hour...

Received on Mon Aug 20 2018 - 21:33:50 UTC

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