Re: Request for Review: Generate /etc/services from the IANA registry

From: Steffen Nurpmeso <>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 16:20:00 +0200
Eric van Gyzen wrote in <>:
 |On 9/10/18 12:04 PM, Eric van Gyzen wrote:
 |> Would anyone like to review this change to generate /etc/services from 
 |> the IANA registry?
 |If that review made your browser unhappy, try this one instead:

Yes it did.


I mean, i have nothing to do with FreeBSD except that i use it
since 4.7 (though some yours only indirectly as Mac OS X), and
i am in opposition to quite some directions taken, but who am i,
that is ok, i have a very narrow use case.  But this is one of the
things i really do not understand, bringing XML and Python stuff
needlessly into FreeBSD seems very odd.  For example, ArchLinux
and CRUX Linux use a simple portable awk script to generate
services and protocols, and all you need to count the number of
services is a normal Unix pipeline which strips comments and then
calls wc -l.  I'll paste the script below this.  Thank you.
And ciao already here

#!/bin/sh -
#_at_ Update protocols and services from IANA.
#_at_ Taken from ArchLinux script written by Gaetan Bisson.  Adjusted for CRUX.


datetime=`date +'%FT%T%z'`

download() {
   echo 'Downloading protocols'
   ${curl} -o protocols.xml ${url_pn}
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 20
   echo 'Downloading services'
   ${curl} -o services.xml ${url_snpn}
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 21

process() {
   echo 'Processing protocols'
   ${awk} -F "[<>]" -v URL="${url_pn}" -v DT="${datetime}" '
         print "# /etc/protocols, created " DT
         print "# Source: " URL
      /<record/ {v = n = ""}
      /<value/ {v = $3}
      /<name/ && $3 !~ / / {n = $3}
      /<\/record/ && n && v != ""{
         printf "%-12s %3i %s\n", tolower(n), v, n
   ' < protocols.xml >
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 30

   echo 'Processing services'
   ${awk} -F "[<>]" -v URL="${url_snpn}" -v DT="${datetime}" '
         print "# /etc/services, created " DT
         print "# Source: " URL
      /<record/ {n = u = p = c = ""}
      /<name/ && !/\(/ {n = $3}
      /<number/ {u = $3}
      /<protocol/ {p = $3}
      /Unassigned/ || /Reserved/ || /historic/ {c = 1}
      /<\/record/ && n && u && p && !c{
         printf "%-15s %5i/%s\n", n, u, p
   ' < services.xml >
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 31

update() {
   mv protocols
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 40
   mv services
   [ ${?} -eq 0 ] || exit 41
   rm -f protocols.xml services.xml


|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
Received on Tue Sep 11 2018 - 12:18:35 UTC

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