> Author: daichi > Date: Fri Sep 20 17:37:23 2019 > New Revision: 352558 > URL: > https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/base/352558 > > > Log: > top(1): support multibyte characters in command names (ARGV array) > depending on locale. > > - add setlocale() > - remove printable() function > - add VIS_OCTAL and VIS_SAFE to the flag of strvisx() to display > non-printable characters that do not use C-style backslash sequences > in three digit octal sequence, or remove it > > This change allows multibyte characters to be displayed according to > locale. If it is recognized as a non-display character according to the > locale, it is displayed in three digit octal sequence. > Initially picking on tab characters as an example of what is probably a somewhat broader issue . . . Ever since this change, characters like tabs that do not fit in the next character cell when output, but for which they are !isprintable(...), now mess up the top display. Again using tab as an example: line wrapping from the text having been shifted over by more than one character cell. top does not track the line wrapping result in how it decides what to output for the following display updates. As stands I type "hh" to referesh the display when I care about clearing up the messy display. The removed !isprintable handling functionality had its uses and an alternative is needed for some types of characters if the display is not to be messed up by what some command lines that are echoed have in them. I picked on tab because it was obviously involved in some examples that I watched update. I'm not claiming tab is the only character that ends up with e cursor in an unexpected place now. In fact . . . Looking around I found: VIS_SAFE Only encode "unsafe" characters. Unsafe means control char- acters which may cause common terminals to perform unexpected functions. Currently this form allows space, tab, newline, backspace, bell, and return - in addition to all graphic characters - unencoded. So tab, newline, backspace, bell, and return are not encoded or replaced now but do not have top's expected cursor position result. === Mark Millard marklmi at yahoo.com ( dsl-only.net went away in early 2018-Mar)Received on Thu Nov 28 2019 - 20:09:07 UTC
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