firewall choice

From: tech-lists <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 08:29:16 +0000

What's the "best" [1] choice for firewalling these days, in the list's opinion?

There's pf, ipf and ipfw. Which is the one being most recently developed/updated?
I'm used to using pf, have done for over a decade. But OpenBSD's pf has diverged 
a lot more from when it first came across. There seems to be a lot more options.
Is FreeBSD's pf being actively developed still?

ipfw seems a lot more syntatically complex than pf. Is it more capable also?
I know nothing about ipf yet.

[1] up-to-date, versatile, low overhead, high throughput, IPv6-able,
traffic shaping/queueing


Received on Fri Nov 27 2020 - 07:29:20 UTC

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