Re: Please check the current beta git conversions

From: Steffen Nurpmeso <>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2020 19:17:27 +0200

Bakul Shah wrote in
 |On Oct 3, 2020, at 3:14 PM, Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:
 |> And still "git fetch" fails with
 |>  POST git-upload-pack (chunked)
 |>  error: RPC failed; curl 55 OpenSSL SSL_write: Broken pipe, errno 32
 |>  fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly
 |> My config file is
 |>  [core]
 |>    repositoryformatversion = 0
 |>    filemode = true
 |>    bare = false
 |>    logallrefupdates = true
 |>  [remote "origin"]
 |>    url =
 |>    #url =
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/5.5:refs/remotes/origin/releng/5.5
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/6.4:refs/remotes/origin/releng/6.4
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/7.4:refs/remotes/origin/releng/7.4
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/8.4:refs/remotes/origin/releng/8.4
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/9.3:refs/remotes/origin/releng/9.3
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/10.3:refs/remotes/origin/releng/10.4
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/11.4:refs/remotes/origin/releng/11.4
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/releng/12.1:refs/remotes/origin/releng/12.1
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/stable/12:refs/remotes/origin/stable/12
 |>    fetch = +refs/heads/main:refs/remotes/origin/main
 |>    fetch = +refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*
 |FWIW, I have a bare repo with the following config file
 | repositoryformatversion = 0
 | filemode = true
 | bare = true
 | logallrefupdates = true
 |[remote "origin"]
 | url =
 | fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
 | fetch = +refs/notes/*:refs/notes/*
 |[branch "main"]
 | remote = origin
 | merge = refs/heads/main
 |/usr/src is a worktree and everything seems to be working fine.
 |I manually converted to a bare repo (first testing this with a much
 |smaller repo) and fixed up various refs. But probably safer to
 |just start from scratch:
 |git clone --bare
 |cd src.git
 |git fetch origin 'refs/notes/*:refs/notes/origin/*' # <<< not sure \
 |about this....
 | # don't recall if I manually added the second fetch line in the config \
 | file.
 | # but notes get fetched fine; though I don't understand why 100MB+ get
 | # downloaded every time even though only a few files change.
 |git worktree add <local-current-path> main
 |git worktree add <local-stable/12-path> stable/12

Interesting new way to work with external check out directories,
i only knew about the environment variable approach.  (Though have
forgotten the details, i am using less of git than what mankind
does with its brain.)
I use bare repositories only for the git repositories i publish in
the web (i have the very same thing locally 1:1 and the
post-receive hook then forwards).
This old habit of mine (an arena-manager-null branch without
files) is maybe strange.  The monthly update still updates all
repos, merges, garbage collects and then checks out this branch in
order to create the backup without any checkout.  Except for some
bootstrap things, like git itself.  It was meant for minimal
backup sizes while still being able to bootstrap in the nowhere
without internet accesss.  I never used that.  Hm.

Sure, after the lengthy matching of objects failed i was about to
simply refetch the entire repository, but i only had ~800 MB
download left, so i had to interrupt that.
I was just reporting because i thought an automated updater should
work instead of failing as above.  It must be some limit on the
server, runtime or whatever, which causes the common history
search to be aborted.  Maybe it does not abort for you because you
have a tremendously potent internet connection, whereas with this
wifi thing you always have to take into account tenths of seconds
(i would say) delay whenever a new chunk comes in after some
delay.  Maybe it is this.

Anyhow, it seems for now it would be better for me to either wait
until -beta becomes stable or switch back to the github version
until then.  I should not have thrown that thing away, 1.4+ GB of
data, that is ugly.  And all the stuff is so badly packed, on
Saturday i then cloned wolfssl out of interest and had to download
179 or so MB from github for [master] which after packing ended up
as not more than 39 MB.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
Received on Mon Oct 05 2020 - 15:17:36 UTC

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