Interface counter inaccurate

From: Daniel Ponte <>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2021 16:09:57 -0500

I've noticed that since upgrading to stable/13-n244514-18097ee2fb7c from
12.2-STABLE, throughput on my WAN interface (the box runs pf) is
incorrectly showing double in systat -if, as well as in vnstat and pftop
from ports. The LAN interface does not appear to be so afflicted.

Running a speedtest on my 300Mb connection shows correctly in systat on a 12.2
client on the LAN, but on the router running 13-STABLE that it traverses, it
shows ~600Mb. Someone suggested I send email here, as the pf counter code has
recently been worked on.

I'm happy to perform further testing, if desired.

Received on Mon Feb 15 2021 - 20:11:20 UTC

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